American Heart Association, [link] has some useful info about tryglicerides. Sadly, it says to limit booze too.
Flax seed (and flax seed oil) is also supposed to have high omega-3 fatty acids. Some take that as a supplement in order to avoid fish oil.
Fish oil is supposed to help with the good cholesterol. That and exercise (a brisk walk at lunchtime works for me) get the good cholesterol up.
Oh, Daniel, that is sucky, sucky, sucky. I'm so sorry. I hope today is a little better.
Poor meara with the not pleasant wake-up call. Good luck with lowering. I have no advice, unfortunately.
Can it be 2:00 already? I want to get this over with.
t waves sheepishly at the Bitches
I've been MIA so long, I've been worried someone might take my tiara.
We would never take your tiara! That would just be so very, very wrong.
That reminds me. I need to get me one of those these days.
I'm very sad because the tiara Cass gave me last year has tarnished. I think I can probably polish it up, but I'm not sure what to use. I have to fix it before a week from Saturday, though!
I, too, need a tiara.
Next week, I start temping and job hunting again. Right now, I'm still getting things put in order here and taking care of things like DMV, etc. I'm glad I allowed myself two weeks to do this, since I'm spending the first part of this week with a nasty, nasty cold.
Hec, the CD arrived!
Poor Anne with a cold! But yay for some time to get things done and a bit settled. It's so good to *see* you! You've been missed!
I should do my nails. I'm thinking that's how I'll spend some of this time instead of just fidgiting. Of course, I should be reading the articles for my paper, but Ha! I'm not gonna be able to concentrate on that thing till this interview is over. We might as well just accept that and deal with it.
Burgandy nails would be ok with a black suit and pink top, right? Look professional?