YEAH! WHere the hell have you been??? Jeebus.
I spend all my time over at the gf's place these days. I'm probably gonna wind up moving in here, prolly sooner rather than later.
Al Martinez' column last week was about meeting Jesus and whatsherfaces show. I thought of you.
Julia brought that one in this weekend and we all read it. I think my favorite part was when god said he liked the show.
Em is chewing on anything she can get her hands on including, but not limited to, her books, my books, dad's books (nothing funnier than baby with Shadowrun:Rigger or summat in her mouth), paper, cats, dog, and her thumb.
Babies make good shoplifting props. Hubby caught a guy who'd come into the store with the infant, stick something between himself and the baby, then pinch the baby's foot to make it cry. Then when the clerks tried to stop him he'd tell them they were upsetting the baby more.
Hubby said he didn't care, and when the cop arrived, he looked at dad and said, "You again."
They let him walk because otherwise they'd have had to call CPS to take the baby, and, you know, families are sacred.
We lose a lot of merchandise to strollers, sadly. We have a repeat offender who drags her baby to stores all over the district.
Also, Em spent a good 5 minutes kicking the crap out of the dog's head on Saturday while they were both on my lap and he did....
NOTHING. Not even a growl. Eventually he just went and snuggled with dad.
Awww, what a sweet and good dog.
Em spent a good 5 minutes kicking the crap out of the dog's head on Saturday
Okay, I would pay GOOD cash money to see this.
So is it the building or the testing site?
This is what prompted me to send the first e-mail back to her. A "testing site" is not a "building" and there will be non-bar people in the building and no one will stop my mom from bringing the baby in the building if other people are allowed in the building as well. (meaning, it's not a guarded building or anything, but people do sit outside the "site".) I think the woman I'm dealing with isn't very sharp and I suspect my honest confusion made her mad and hence snippy.
I understand their concerns, actually. I had planned all along to do my best to be sure that I accomodated their rules. What has made me upset since then, however, is that I read their rules and they do make time and other accomodations for other people with other problems/issues. If you have ADD, you can get extra time. And I think that's fine - it's a condition beyond someone's control that affects their ability to test well. But I think I'm in the same boat.
Sean, do I have to turn around and do the back-hugging thing
Things that are good but shouldn't be:
Graham crackers with cheddar cheese.