It's actually kind of exhilerating, because I am
if I'm going to back down on this one. There are plenty of things one can question about my teaching (I'm appallingly disorganised and untidy, I need to get better at differentiating effectively...) but casting aspersions on my academic and/or ethical integrity? Or on my intelligence? Back the
off, lady.
(I am scary, as it turns out.)
(I am scary, as it turns out.)
Well, you should be with this.
Stick to your (metaphorical) guns, Fay! If you awaken even one mind to the ugliness of prejudice and discrimination, you've done a good thing.
Go, vw, with the iPod earning. Here's a variation:
vw: the bug that could
You certainly haven't bored me. I just sit here being a silent vw cheerleader.
I'm sorry you're having to deal with it, Fay, but it sounds like these are people who would see The Merchant of Venice as Jewish propaganda.
This is a very interesting conversation after just watching
Gentlemen's Agreement
I still have a migraine. This is not making me happy, since I really want to go see JZ today. (Sparky1 and I postpooned because of the mother's day thing.)
Yay Fay!
The embodiment of alliteration.
In mememe news, I feel like I've reached at least a temporary accommodation with my newfound food issues. Every time I want to eat one of those foods that I get sort of obsessive over (must drink all the Dr Pepper in the world before They take it away from me, etc.) I just tell myself that the food in question isn't going anywhere, that I can have it whenever I want, but is it really what I want now? And sometimes it is, and if so, I go ahead and eat it. But at least half of the time I don't.
Also, we've switched the cooking schedule around so that I cook on the nights I have writers group and choir, while Dylan cooks on the nights I'm home. That sounds counterintuitive, but as it was we weren't eating dinner till 9:00 or 9:30 on my choir/writing nights, and even though I wasn't stupid enough to try to go without food from lunchtime until 9:30, it was still messing with my eating schedule.
I don't think it's a coincidence that I'm prone to blood sugar crashes at the same time of day I reach my peak energy levels--mid-afternoon to early evening. All that energy must need fuel.