From Daniel's link..
Any uninsured patient whose household income is less than $125,000 will be charged the same discounted prices that large managed-care organizations pay for insured patients.
It's about time. I wish they would do that here. It's insane that people who pay cash the day of their appointment pay twice as much as insurance companies that pay a month or more later after billing. Grrr
Wheee! I've been playing Ticket to Ride online. It's a fun way to spend an evening.
I'm up insanely early for a woman whose restless, sick child is still asleep, but if I'm ever thoroughly awake once I've had 5-6 hours asleep, trying for more is a lost cause, so here I am.....
Timelies. I had plans last night to tidy up this place in the morning. It's morning; I'm not tidying. But! I've got 2 hours left in which to tidy, yes? It could happen.
Must go get coffee. Need to contemplate tidy. There is no spoon.
Hurrah! Have found degree certificate and suchlike. Haven't found copy of old contract yet, but I was much more worried about my degree.
That Buffista -ma is some strong stuff, y'all.
Yay, Fay!
Acquiring caffeine. Enjoying rare treat of being only person awake in house, despite grogginess.
Yay, Fay.
Susan, I need and love my morning solitude so much that if I wake up any time after 4:30, I will stay up. How did Annabel sleep last night?
Yay, Fay!
Susan, I need and love my morning solitude so much that if I wake up any time after 4:30, I will stay up. How did Annabel sleep last night?
Cindy is me. Although, I'm more likely to only stay up if I get up after 7 or so. I don't have small children that get up early. I have single roommates who sleep in as late as possible.
I actually slept in today. It's weird. I got up around 7:30, but was still exhausted, so I went back to bed. I just got up about 15 minutes ago. I don't remember the last time I slept in this late.
How did Annabel sleep last night?
She woke up around 1:00 and had to be rocked and soothed back to sleep (DH did it, so I'm on duty if the same happens tonight), but once he got her back in bed (don't know when, as I didn't wake up), she stayed asleep, and hasn't woken up yet. So better than last night, at least.
Solitude has become a rare treasure for me. I have lots of away from baby time built into my schedule, but it's mostly for writing or choir meetings and events, so I'm almost never really alone. I miss it, even though I know I'm lucky to have been graced with a mellow child who doesn't seem to need or even want constant attention and interaction. Guess she's mine, all right--she must like the quiet, too.