Yay me!
Thanks so much for all your good wishes. I'm hoping & praying that it's All Going To Turn Out Okay, both with the new place (which is still being built, but which is part of a big, reputable and established company) and with the current place (where Evil Boss will
likely try to screw me over financially and professionally when I tell him that actually, despite having indicated that I would stay on for next year, I'm going to be leaving for another school in the same city).
Also, I can't find either (a) my contract for the current place or (b) my
degree certificate
or school certificates. I have a terrible fear they may have been lost in the last flat move, or binned by my cleaninglady. They were in an envelope. Fuck. Please God I find them. Alternatively I just have to hope that it's possible to get replacement copies from the relevant bodies.
Stupid woman. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. (Me, not her.)
Erin, I'm
for you. Stupid fuckwits. The lack of professionalism in both the things you mention is astounding.
I don' t know when my Buffistaversary would be, but I know I delurked with a filk entitled 'The Lady is a Vamp' about Darla.
Fay, thank goodness they have brains in their heads and enough sense to hire wonderful you! No more icky mean boss. Yay!
Toddson released the healthma back to the collective. But I want to know if the -ma did its job. Toddson?
You're too kind, love. I've got good qualities as a teacher, but I know that I'm hellishly untidy and I need to become much better organised and efficient. (Among other things.) Hopefully I'll be able to get some professional development and actively improve as a teacher over the course of the next year or so. Insh'allah.
Paperwork worries aside, my main concern right now is that I've been offered £1000 more than my flatmate. This despite the fact that she's a more experienced and better teacher than me. (I'm not being modest here - I'm smarter/better educated than she is, I think [see, no modesty at all] but she's a clever woman and she's being a lot more pro-active about stuff this year. Her classroom looks terrific, she's actively doing masses of structured developmental stuff like circle time, certificates, loads of stuff to get them working as a team and to help develop their skills and learning in motivational and fun ways, she's set up a website for her class - basically she's doing a terrific job, and I hope [with a modicum of confidence] that a couple of the years down the line that's going to be where I'm at, once I've got my shit together better. Because I'm a good teacher, and I can be a better teacher. But she's there
She should totally be on at least the same money as me, because she has the seniority and the
damn it. I'm 5 years older than her, and, yes, I have a MA (Hons)* but I'm still cutting my teeth on the teaching malarky.
I'm afraid that this may have an impact upon our friendship, however hard she tries not to let it, because I
it's going to rankle.
(*to my embarrassment and shame, I actually
the whole 'Hey, I went to the same University that Prince William's presently attending' thing in my interview for this job. But the guy seemed impressed by the MA, and I
desperately wanted to escape from my present Eeevil Boss.)
All kinds of Yay! for you Fay.
Unhappy about it.
I gently touched Annabel's face as I was getting into bed to see if she still felt feverish. Unfortunately, this woke her up. We tried persuading her to go back to sleep by our own example (due to tight quarters, she's still in a crib in our room). Didn't work. Tried rocking her, which wasn't working. Checked her temp. 101.3. Right now she's in the playpen while I'm at the keyboard, but at least she's looking like she might be considering sleep.
Somehow I don't think that whole turning over a new leaf thing where I was going to get back in the habit of getting up at 6:45 or 7:00 and showering before DH and therefore not spending half the day sitting around in a t-shirt and pajama bottoms waiting for Annabel to nap so I can shower is going to happen tomorrow.
Susan, at least you have a reason to be awake.
Baby and husband both have been sleeping cheerfully for hours.
I've just been killing time on the interbunny because it's there.
I wish I could just hand you my kid so I could sleep.
Maybe I'll try kittenwar. I'm bored with the internets because (surprise surprise) there's really nothing new that's happened since I first tried to go to bed 2 hours ago.
Annabel looks to be trying to sleep, though. If she stays this way another 10-15 minutes, I can try transferring her to the crib.
Oops, she just sat up. It's weird, though--she still doesn't seem really sick, maybe a
sniffle, but she's scorching hot to the touch. Happy as can be, though. She wants me to hug her bears now.
Yay, Fay! That's wonderful news.
Poor Susan! I hope you got some sleep and that Annabel's fever has died down.
I am SO sleepy this morning. I probably shouldn't have stayed up so late last night, but oh well. Too late now.
Oh shit! We forgot about garbage day. Guess the bags will wait till next week. Damn.