GRRR. My advisor hasn't been on top of things, but I kinda forgive her, because she's been dealing with months-long jury duty, the new chancellor search, AND dying parents in Texas. BUT I should have received this info from Student Services months ago, the incompetent toothless, insect-chawing needledicked brainless FUCKOS.
I haven't called them yet, because I would go ballistic on them.
Erin! That totally sucks!! I am so sorry.
Oh Erin. Feathered darts are tipped with curare and other deadly poisons, just waiting for you to point out a target. Stoopidheads.
I would absolutely love love love a custom corset. Right now, finances dictate a cheaper off the rack one. One day though....
This is the one I am looking at for now.
The level of incompetence at Erin's school BOGGLES. Nice work and thanks for the last-minute notice, ya delinquent pack o'turkeys. May trails of inconvenient, uncompleted paperwork trail them forevermore.
Thanks for all the FASTER PUSSYCAT! KILL!KILL! -ma.
Also, I haven't been able to eat for the last two days -- that lump in the throat thing is gastric reflux or an ulcer flare-up AND THIS IS NOT HELPING.
Jobma to Katie B., as well as calm, cool & collected~ma. Cat-ma to Chloe for hanging in and feeling good.
This is the one I am looking at for now.
Go to your local Fredricks of Hollywood or Love Pantry and try on the corsets there to get an idea of how that one would fit before you buy it. (There should be corsets very similar to that one at both those stores.)
Oh, Erin! I am SO sorry. Incompetent doesn't even begin to cover it. I'd be flaming mad if it was me. I hope you're able to figure something out with them...although I know with all the beauracrazy, that's unlikely.
I need to be talked down a bit. It's J's birthday, and she's coming over to hang out. We'll probably get a pizza and watch some tv. We may go to the club, but that's only if we all have enough energy come 10pm.
Sounds like a nice evening, right? Well, I'm stressing about it. My house is a mess, and I don't have the energy to do anything about it. I've been going full force since 6am, and I'm just pooped. I feel awful. I wanted to get into Harvard Square to get J some chocolate that she loves, but it's not gonna happen. I'm not sure exactly what it is that she loves, and I don't want to buy the wrong thing. I also wanted to make a cake or some kind of dessert, but she's really not into sweets right now, so she asked me not to. So, she's coming over...the place is a mess...I don't have the presents I wanted to get...and I just feel like a totally and completely inadequate friend.