Aimée, you should report them to the Better Business Bureau. Or else write a letter to your state's Attorney General, or to a congressperson. That probably won't accomplish anything by itself, but you also should tell the phone company what you did. The idea is to get your complaint escalated beyond the low-level managers who are dealing with it now (and who probably don't have the power to fix it, or have no incentive to fix it) up to a higher-level person who might want to straighten out the problem for you so it will go away.
I worked at a credit card company in SF. Anytime a customer told us that they had contacted some external agency (like the ones I named above) about some issue they had (even if their complaint was totally absurd, like the guy who didn't want any female employees to handle his account) it automatically got escalated to a special department (where I worked) that was the last stop before the mess ended up in court. We managed to fix things to most customers' satisfaction.
Happy Birthday, Stunt Husband!!
Yes, it is #37 today
37 is a good year (so far anyway!). Enjoy it!
You signed off, vw!! Did I offend??
It says I'm still logged on. Weird. Let me try this again.
Focus on iPod thoughts.
Trying very, very hard. Savings account for said iPod was set up this weekend. Am very excited.
I had crazy-ass nightmares all night, and now I've got big dark droopy dog eyes. It's charming.
vw, you clearly must stay at school.
Happy Birthday, StuntHusband!
Lilty is me with the evil nightmares.
VW, you can make it!
Happy Birthday, Alex!
Byron doesn't understand why the laptop is in my lap instead of him. He is mrowing at me pitifully and giving me a kitty guilt trip.
Sorry about the nightmares, Lilty. How is life treating you otherwise?
The computer lab just got very full. I think all of the computers are taken. I should probably give mine up for someone who is actually going to do schoolwork, but I kind of need it for sanity purposes till my next class.
I had a nightmare last night that I was dying. Some weird disease was destroying my brain. I only had 1/3 of my brain functionality left, so I couldn't think clearly or remember a lot of stuff. At one point I felt myself slipping into unconsciousness, and I was thinking, "This is it. This is my last bit of consciousness before I die." (I don't believe in any sort of afterlife.)
Oddly enough, I didn't die but felt somewhat better - enough so I could go driving around on a Segway.