Sucky people in the wrong often go with the "best defense is a good offense" strategy.
Yup. I think she was just angry (probably at herself) and I seemed like an easy target to vent her anger at since I was just sitting there shaking and thinking that I just couldn't handle this right now.
Aw, Susan. Whyfor the thwumping?
Whyfor the thwump, Susan?
hey, Thwumpy, I like your tag!
Some days you win. Some days you lose. Some days it rains.
Hope you're OK.
Am pleased to report that Nick's band does, indeed, rock.
Susan, hope the thwumping isn't too serious.
ION - have just been challenged to a game of ping pong in the break room by one of the engineers. He (almost)always kicks my butt, but ten minutes of completely different activity seems like such a good idea. See ya in a bit.
Assorted little things. I've got a combination sinus/TMJ/hunger headache that's slaying me. I've started back on Weight Watchers because I really, really need to, but I'm so fucking hungry it's hard to stick with anything. Annabel was nearly asleep, but now she's up and making cranky noises, and if she doesn't nap, like, NOW, we'll miss the only window, and she'll be a hella miserable baby at the ball game tonight. The headache and hunger are making it hard for me to think straight, and I've got myself stuck in a loop where I'm freaking out that my book is going to end up unmarketable for one reason or another--today's version is because I heard industry gossip that a publishing house has commissioned one of its writers to do a romance with a Peninsular War setting, and I'm freaking that the plot will be so similar to mine that I'll have to trash it altogether.
Did I mention that my head hurts and my baby won't sleep?
(This is so stupid. Why am I panicking? None of it looks like panic material on paper. Could this just be my blood sugar? But if I cheat on the diet my very first day back, how will I ever do what I need to do and lose 40 pounds so I will feel good about my body and not die too young of heart disease or diabetes?)
re: cheating--an apple quarter or a couple of carrots is not going to doom you insulin injections, and it'd be a lot healthier than a Twinkie or something.
Susan, for hunger issues, try some low point things. I eat a can of green beans (0 points!) or something to help with hunger pains.