sj, I hope the drug works and that it's covered, and I hope your car insurance company chews that woman a new ass.
Jessica, thanks. He'll go sample till he finds his favorite drink.
I'm making bisquick pizza for dinner. It's one of Greg's favorite meals.
{{{sj}}} - that's awful. And I'm so sorry the woman was a jerk. Calm-ma to you.
I've made bisquick pizza before. I stopped after I started doing the wheat crust, but bisquick doesn't have to rise for an hour so there is a big advantage.
Sorry about the accident sj, that sucks.
Deena, I don't know the way to your LJ. Care to linky?
Have now earwormed myself:
Do you know the way to her LJ?
My gosh, sj.
Way to start mental health, huh?
sj, I hope the drug works and that it's covered, and I hope your car insurance company chews that woman a new ass.
We have the same insurance company, and she had already called by the time I did. I hope that doesn't matter. The insurance company is going to have us both fill out paperwork and look at the cars. We'll see. I am going to take a hot shower now and wait for Teacup Guy to get here.
Geez, sj! So glad you're okay, but what a week you've had!
In mememe news: my butt hurts. Okay, not really my butt, that just sounds funnier than my tailbone hurts. And it's not even really my tailbone. It's the nerves around my tailbone. Now you see why I shortcutted to "butt."
I don't know why it hurts either. I haven't fallen or anything. It's actually been hurting off and on since last fall, but it's getting worse now. I have an appt. for a physical in 2 weeks and will talk to her about it then.
EpicT, it's here: [link]
Chikat, that's one of the things I'm doing physical therapy for. My doctor didn't get it at all, but the PT had seen it lots of times before and my exercises are really helping with it.
Deena, that's good to know. I was wondering if a chiropractor would help, too.
In my experience, a good chiro can help with a lot of things. However, without addressing the underlying cause of why things go out of whack, it could be a temporary fix (stressing could). The PT is helping me strengthen muscles I didn't know I have and taking stress off of overworked muscles that were doing double duty, and things are starting to improve a lot.