~ma all around.
Speaking of cleaning, I need to call a commercial cleaning place to clean my house before I call a friend of a friend that was recommended to me as a housekeeper. I don't want to gross her out and frighten her off. I keep thinking I will get it in something resembling order myself, but it doesn't happen.
This is so me. My place is so bad right now that I don't know where to start. However, there will be a start somewhere, because my dad is coming to visit in two weeks. Eek!
I didn't like it much at first, but watched it last week and this week and really liked it both times. Plus, I have discovered that Supernanny is pretty much the same show every week. I have now learned the tips for raising my nonexistent young children and whipping my nonexistent husband into line, so I don't need to watch it anymore.
In completely other news, it looks like I'm heading to the Seattle area and northern Oregon in early June. I'll post in F2F, but if anyone is interested in getting together, let me know. My profile addy is good.
If none of this makes sense, please be kind. I'm going through a stint of very little sleep, which is starting to really annoy me.