Long flowy skirt, and (again!) poet's blouses in black that have ties down the front; you can untie the ribbons for easy access when you need to feed TickyBox. I might have a couple of those very blouses hiding in my closet, so if I can find 'em, I'll hand 'em over.
Ooo. Good idea. I should also check eBay for them. And for more long, flowy skirts, as I'm short a few at the moment.
Ok, what color blouse? Black satin corset, as I said and black velvet skirt. Maybe lavender?
Poet's or pirate blouses:
A whole bunch of them: [link]
Ok, what color blouse? Black satin corset, as I said and black velvet skirt. Maybe lavender?
Lavender would be nice, as would any color of red (or pink!), or white.
Black lace poet's shirt: [link]
Ooooh, white, super-ruffly one: [link]
(I'm going to have to go to a meeting very soon, but hey! Shopping for other people!)
Aaand, one from gothy-goth clothing company Eternal Love: [link]
I just bought these for O. We tried them on in the store and it looks like they fit. Whether he'll wear them or not remains to be seen.
Cash, those shoes look very cute and comfy; I know some toddlers with similar shoes and they seem very happy with 'em.
I must confess that these totally kill me dead.
I must confess that these totally kill me dead.
This is what's bad about having a kid--you have to actually TRY on the wee shoes. The store we went to didn't have THOSE, else I'd have bought them.
Might get them for the next pair. He'll need new ones like, what? Next month?