The last time someone around you sneezed, did someone say "Gesundheit"?
Actually, no. And Cincinnati is a city with very strong German roots.
But that isn't my point. In establishing the setting in a work of fiction, incongruous elements are bound to make some readers/viewers confused. It's easier, in a way, in science fiction like Farscape or Star Trek where entirely new races/species/languages are created out of whole cloth. They don't have a pre-existing context in the viewer's mind, so they're less likely to trip them up.
t edit
Or what Jess said about sloppy worldbuilding. I'm just going to start posting a picture of me pointing at her posts.
I just can't help wondering how many people tuned in to Firefly and wondered "What's with all the Chinese?" It kept making me think I just wasn't understanding the dialogue, that they were mumbling like Seth Cohen, because in a sci-fi show with strong American West overtones, I wasn't expecting any other language. I'd have to rewind and put the closed-captioning on to figure out that I wasn't supposed to understand it.
I didn't have a problem with the Chinese, but I can't remember why not. I sort of hoped that they'd get more into that as the series went on.
I loved the language though. And I kept expecting Mal or Jayne to start talking about people falling out rather than fainting or passing out. I just thought of that because when I went to the CPR training at work I realized that the whole class no one ever said fainted or passed out. Just variations of fell out.
I missed a birthday?
Happy (Belated) Birthday, D.!
So. we had our first house guest - which meant we had to make what will become the music/guest room habitable. unexpectedly, makeing that room habitable has made me fell 100x better about the house. Not sure what is going to happen with the 25- 30 boxes in the gargae, but I didn't know how much haveing a room of boxes bothered me.
Newscaster just now, on local tv:
"Chihuahuas are known for being hunters."
awww... today I was holding a little tiny chihauhua named annabelle. 2.5 lbs and about 11 wks old. yes, she is a mighty hunter when it comes to liver snacks.
Daniel has a new tag. Dong ma?
"Chihuahuas are known for being hunters."
Actually they are- they just would naturally do it in their packs. Not having a pack, they tend to go for the bluster.
We took Oz up to the bar up the street with my friend and her Chihuahua, Pixie (who was wearing a Strawberry Shortcake dress- no, I don't understand it either). She was all growly and nippy when anyone came near her while Oz happily gave kisses and snuggled necks. I think the mini doxie came off as the much better breed.
Fell out
Heh. Such a southern thing. There are also different stages of falling out. You can damn near fall out, fall completely out, look like you're about to fall out.
My husband brought home crab claws from my favorite place back home (He was there for a wedding yesterday). They're all garlic and capery and chilled. I'm having them with champagne and sitting with a passed out puppy in my lap. Life is in general good.
Here's a completely random question that somebody may be able to answer:
If you wanted to make a giant brain out of concrete, about 2 feet long in the longest direction, say, how would you go about doing it?