Yeah, OK, the date was not fabulous. Or rather, it was fine, and she's very nice, but...not wanting to do anything more than hang out with her. Now to figure out how to say that. Augh.
Happy Birthday Former Child of Nova!
Oooh, I really like the gown Susan posted. So pretty.
The best Word correction I've ever gotten
Word tries to correct the name of my company to "Nazi". It cracks me up.
Good morning.
The nice benefit to passing out at 3 is that it actually somewhat corrected my schedule.
Now i really really want zankou chicken. But I need to find somebody else who is awake.
Snow just isn't supposed to happen in May. It happened/is happening. Ugh.
Word. We were doing a reading of a friend's new play and had to stop to vent about the snow. Of course, I had to trot out the story of the Summer of '92 in Fairbanks, wherin the last snow of the season arrived on May 23 and the first snow of the season arrived on August 23. That's right, we had exactly 3 months to cram spring/summer/fall in. Actually, we hadn't quite reached fall yet, so the poor trees went into shock. I never knew they could do that, but they did.
I just want it warm enough by Saturday so I can wear my pretty dress and shoes for Z's birthday party.
Ranting seems to have helped. I have the apartment (mostly) straightened out. Dishes are soaking in the sink and trash has all been collected. Hopefully Teacup Guy will haul it out to the dumpster for me because there is just no way I am doing it. Now, I am off to get the makings of a salad for our dinner tonight. Sorry for my super whininess lately.
a Tonka Bean candle, which is awesome
Also yummery? Smashed avocado on toast. I just had a piece and my tummy is nearly purring.
I finally got up off my ass and vacuumed the place too. I should just cut out the middle man and vacuum the cats directly. Damn they shed.
So far my friend hasn't called me. I suspect our definitions of "early" are not the same. But since I am *still* PMSing and not DMIing, I am content to finish up my laundry and cuddle with my heating pad for a while longer.
I just leapt over 2000 posts in a single bound.'s things, Bitches?
happy birthday Eddie.
right now, Dh and his friend are playing guitar in the back yard. the cat is joining them. I have my beads out , but mostly I am just moving them about.
Happies to Eddie and Nova.
Hi, Kristin!!
Bitches vs. Natter: Sometimes I go into Natter because I'd rather discuss politics than babies. I discuss changes in laws in Natter, I discuss Hubby's health woes in Bitches. Natter is a general forum, Bitches is a hug.
Ranting seems to have helped.
TCG needs to get a place with an elevator, sweetie! Sorry for the cranky, sj. Many, many {{{sj}}} hugs to you!
I should just cut out the middle man and vacuum the cats directly.
I've tried that with Ashton. Still have the scars. Good luck though!