JZ, I'm so sorry to hear of your grandfather. And also quite appalled at the behaviour of his wife.
Owen's new favorite show is The Koala Brothers (and mine, too, I admit). There's a pair of koalas (the brothers), an emu, a platypus, an echidna, a crocodile, a kangaroo, an oppossum and a wombat. Very cute with the accents.
Oh lord, that's fantastic. And I feel obliged now to share the information that an enclosure for platypi is called a platypussary. And that I just clicked on a website (http://www.platypuscomputing.com/platwhat.html) that played the sound of kookaburras laughing, and it made me very happy. And I just refreshed the page, so they'd do it again.
I mistakenly tried to hand Kara her hot chocolate to take to the table instead of carrying it myself. I didn't intend to have her carry it at all and caught myself, but as I was realizing what I'd done she said, "I'm not a mommy! I don't carry hot things! but you stuck my HOT cocoa IN MY FACE!"
Laughing like a loon here.
And apparently Cosmo believes I'm "coyly sexy" and need to "Acknowledge men more often on dates and hint at certain moves that bring you pleasure in bed." Which would require going on dates, of course, if only so I could say, "Oh, there you are!" at various points in the evening. But how does one "hint" a "certain moves"?
Pull out the Pictionary set! Or charades! "Three words, first word, um, sounds like big bee, er, figtree, giggly, Igby-- Oh! Ok, Igby. Second word, leaves, exits, goes... Ah! Ok, Igby goes... No, I'm sorry, I'm just not getting it." [muttering] "You're not the only one."
t tacklehugs billytea
congratulations on the woodpecker
billytea! Good to see your shiny typeface here.
Happy Birthday, Gris. That is indeed some nice sister.
Tell Kara and Ain-Kor happy bluebird feet. I'll see if I can find tiny blue and white stuffed birds to tuck into her marabou-trimmed "glass" slippers. And yay! for birthday dinners, kids down (or out) and front doors barred against intruders.
Carrot cake is veg, right?
No. It is sugar, fat, and some shredded veg that is cooked long enough that its starch is converted to sugar. I can't fake up carrot cake.
:: cries::
today Carrot cake can be a veggie, but only because it is saturday.
::is happy! throws confetti! gives beth carrot cake. does NOT share with cindy::
Actually, in our family, carrot cake is wedding cake. And proposition cake. "C'mon, honey-bunny. I'll make you a...carrot cake..."
This grocery store carrot cake was not worth the candle (heh) and after one slice, DH passed it onto Mom.
"Why should she get your cast-offs?"
"Is it sweet?"
His eyebrow goes up. He waits. The penny drops.
"Oh. Okay."
stares openmouthed with a slight line of drool
Wow, that's pretty. It makes me want to set a story in 1877 so I can write about a woman wearing it.
I'm not quite sure what I think of myself - if I had unlimited funds, I would literally collect clothing.
And did you see this one? [link]
If I had unlimited funds, I'd collect clothing plus a little bit of everything else my imaginary people use. I'm not quite sure what to think of myself when the mere act of writing a novel with a Rifleman hero has taken me from, "Guns? But I'm a liberal!" to "I want a reproduction Baker rifle, and I want to take it to a gun range and learn to shoot it."
if I had unlimited funds, I would literally collect clothing.
Aims, I'm stunned. Just
Susan, that gown is gorgeous. I could do some serious covetting there.
Susan, that gown is gorgeous.
Isn't it? Like the one Aimee posted, I'm having fun imagining the right woman to wear it. Since it's a 1912 dress, it's a little too obvious to put her on the Titanic, so I'm mentally altering the line and cut just enough to make it an 1812 dress, only neither of the heroines I've created so far has the coloring for those shades, so I need someone with maybe chestnut or dark blonde hair and...
Good lord. Show me a dress and I write a novel.