Have him take them just in case. Late winter/early spring this year was bad enough that my nurses were cursing it, though it's much calmer now.
Baby costs came in today: 11k+. Don't remember how much of that's covered, though. These breast barnacles are 'xpensive!
It is way too early in the evening for me to be intoxicated. And yet, I am. My nose is numb. This is the downfall of having a friend live 1 block away. I had a long earnest conversation tonight with a 4-year-old about younger brothers and how much of a pain they can be. I'm going to have to call my brother tomorrow and tell him that.
This post took me a long time to type and check for accuracy. Just so you know.
Oh D., of the Griswold, formerly child of the nova, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Awww, Gris, Happy Birthday! What a sweet sister.
A very happy birthday to you, David.
Greg is stuffed full of good food that I didn't have to cook (as are the rest of us); the babies are down for the night, Nick came along for dinner and then went home, the front door is locked and all is well.
He says thank you all for the birthday wishes.
On the way to dinner tonight, Kara took off her shoes.
Nick: "Kara took off her shoes!"
Me: "Kara, you can't go in the restaurant without shoes, put them back on."
Kara: "No, there's sumpin in 'em!"
Nick: "There's nothing in them. Here, I'll put them on."
Kara: "NO! There's a DEAD BLUE BIRD IN ONE!"
Everyone else: "There is NO DEAD BLUE BIRD in your SHOE!"
Kara: "Oh.
t pause
Is it a white bird?"
Nick: "She's certainly her parents' daughter."
Deena, teach the girl to write. Her stories beat anything on the TV right now.
She's working on it. She can write her name.
She's also got an invisible friend now. His name is Ain-Kor.
Happy Birthday, D. Griswold!
After three weeks involving various levels of sleep deprivation (due to either insomnia or too much frelling stuff to do), I got 10 blissful hours of snoozing in last night. It was wonderful. Today I did some vacuuming, laundry, and cleaned the bathroom, and now I'm going to try for an encore of lastnight's snoozefest. Mmmmmm, sleep.
Happy birthday, D. Griswold!
Jill, are you going out, or just being your usual gorgeous self?
Well, there's a birthday dinner for my very best friend later at a Morrocan restaurant, but today was mostly just running around with the pseudo-sib.