He was, Jilli.
55 minutes and I have sopping wet hair, but I needed a cigarette and an idea of what to do with my hair. I think a messy updo, with a couple of teeny braids interpersed, and pink dragonfly sparkley pins dabbed into my 1/2 chignon.
I'm finding this play-by-play fun; sorry if it annoys.
It doesn't annoy. It's cute, and fun, and I wish I could see you as you progress to fabulously fancy, Erin.
sorry if it annoys.
Never! It's fun to hear about. Like Bitches of old, actually.
But now I must go watch something with DH. Possibly the first Harry Potter.
Have fun, Erin!
I'll post pix as soon as I get the CD back. The joy of a friend with her own photo studio -- free pix!!
Ok, must progress into heavy-duty schmancifying mode.
Later, Beetches!
I once tried to smudge my house with sage. I set off an asthma attack in my son. Duh.
Have fun Erin!
I have showered and dressed. Now I have to not get sweaty for the next 2 hours. Considering the temperature today that will be a challenge. The current plan is to read with a cool beverage.
So far:
walked the dog
went into work and kicked illegal parkers out of lot
vacuumed rugs and curtains
cleaned bathroom
tidied bedroom
to target
make appetizer for dinner
clean up yard
change catbox
have folks over
I once tried to smudge my house with sage. I set off an asthma attack in my son. Duh.
Heh. I remember you writing about that. I don't smudge my house. My husband and children have made it clear that's *their* job.
Today is Greg's birthday.
So far I have spent a long time on the phone, caught up on some tivo'd stuff that he doesn't watch so I could clean out some memory, nd read a lot of Bitches, defragged my computer and cleaned (sort of, don't look in the corners) the kitchen.
I have yet to: tidy the living room and dining room, go to the store for dinner after Greg returns with the car, cook dinner, dress, shower, eat dinner, watch a movie, put babies down to bed (today was Aidan's first day without a nap) and go to bed.
The above is in no particular order.
Present buying will actually happen tomorrow, when I have the car, as well as a nice brunch. We saved the prosecco to use for bellinis tomorrow. I am one of those who believe in stretching out the celebration.
Cindy, I knew you were teasing. I was teasing right back. I promise, no crankies. You were funny too.
I have been enjoying Erin's play-by-play too. Such fun.
Happy Birthday, Greg!
Poor Deena. I know those sorts of birthdays all too well. Here's hoping you don't fall asleep in your supper.
Cindy, I knew you were teasing. I was teasing right back. I promise, no crankies. You were funny too.
Good. I don't think I have ever seen you cranky with any of us. I just wanted to make sure I didn't hurt your feelings or embarrass you in any way.