You'd have been an awful possessive girlfriend if (and I have a friend with a psycho ex who actually did this) while walking somewhere together you passed a girl and you weren't holding hands. You decided you must immediately stake your claim lest random girl on the street decide to have a go at him so you reach for his hand just as he's swinging it (as you're wont to do when you walk) the other way. This causes a meltdown when you get in the car on the way home. That's awful and posessive- you were just trying to feel out your fairly new relationship.
Ugh. This is the kind of thing I want to avoid at all costs. I don't want to be that girlfriend.
One my favorite. songs. EVER. I used to belt it out in my room, miming cleaning up the bloodstains "offa the flooooor..."
Heh. Yep, I did the same thing. Must buy song off of iTunes tonight ...
{{{askye}}} Hang in there, sweetie.
I LOVE the idea of Kara having a vampire birthday party.
Also, I talked to Dad and talked to Mom and this will not get in the way of me moving. We'll figure out something.
{{{askye}}} Does your body shop have Saturday hours? You could get a chance to relax a bit about it tonight, and still get some estimates tomorrow instead of having to wait until Monday, with the mental numbers growing over the weekend.
THey don't have Saturday hours so it's today or Monday.
When I was 4, I used to walk across town (at least that's how far it felt) to go to my boyfriend's house. He was actually my biggest brother's friend. They were, of course, in school, but I'd hang out with his mom and we'd chat. Until Mom found me missing. It happened about three times, and then she spanked me all the way home with a willow switch and I never did it again.
Deena, if you're still around, could you hop on AIM for a minute?
Things with The Good Date went extraordinarily well last night. He is clever and thoughtful and brought me ginger beer and recited Shakespeare (quite well) while paying a great deal of attention to my neck and ears.
Ooooh, Jen. So doomed. Enjoy.