Boy I'm glad I ride the bus.
sitting in the "YAY public transport corner"
(Of course, my way of dealing with Jehovah's Witnesses is and has always been to simply say "No thank you," and shut the door.)
Did I ever tell the story of the two Mormon missionaries who had the misfortune to call on me the first weekend in my new apartment after moving out from the one I shared with Zach?
I read a comic book-style tract of that name
Published by the Aquarian Tabernacle Church, which is the Wiccan group my pseudo big brother Jeff is part of. I've got a bunch of them somewhere around the house.
juliana, did they escape with their lives?
Oh, now where's the fun in *that*?
I get to go on with my day without listening to anyone prostelyze at me?
Someone wanna swing by the Mid-Atlantic and pay me a visit?
Sniff. *I* would hang out with you, Maria.
Didn't Ayla work out that whole sperm/egg thing?
Just after she discovered smelting and before she went on to invent the internet.
Bwahahaha! This is funnier to me because while reading up to that post, about the old concepts of conception, I was thinking of that!
What is most disturbing is that it looks like the M&M is chained at the wrists
Yeah, I had a double-take there.
I had who Cain married explained to me, but I don't remember. I think it had something to do with, um, giants. But I might be mixing my mythologies.
Er...giants? i don't think there were giants in my bible...
a version I've heard that Adam & Eve were the first "true" humans in the sense that they had a soul, but other non-human humans where around
The key issue is how do you translate "Nephilim". The KJV makes it "There were giants in the earth in those days."
Dude! Giants in the bible! I had no idea!!
5 cups of my favorite popcorn (popped) is only 1 Weight Watcher point!
Yum, what kind of popcorn is that?
juliana, did they escape with their lives?
They sounded EXACTLY like two goofy guy friends of mine who would do something as silly as saying they were missionaries in order to cheer up a depressed friend. So they got flashed. Their horror at the nekkidness was only compounded by the hysterical laughter issuing from me when I realized my error. They fled, I had a drink and went back to bed.
So they got flashed.
::pause for breath::
I get to go on with my day without listening to anyone prostelyze at me?
Okay, there's that. I personally like to invite them in and start talking about my various views and philosophies (sometimes real, sometimes as highly satanic as I can make them) and see how long it takes them to flee in terror.
So they got flashed.
Poor guys.
t snicker
At least they got a story to tell about how their faith was tried and they had to prevail against the forces of the wicked world. I'm sure they're still telling the tale.