I've not been here for a Nephilim discussion before, but I think it's cool that it comes up enough around here to be a repeating conversation.
I've been absent all afternoon because I've been putting together the very cute baby dresser that arrived this afternoon. So far, I have the drawers 80% put together, but the dogs have waited patiently for me to walk them before dark, so I will go.
juliana, could I tag this:
Lyra, tag away, sweetie.
Had never heard of the Nephilim before today....
There's a Madeleine L'Engle book that involves Nephilim. I really enjoyed it when I read it many years ago. Beyond that, for all my years of church and Sunday School attending, I've never discussed the nephilim before today.
I think an X-Files episode involved Niphilim, too. Another of those Scully as Defender of the Faith eps.
They fixed the car for free!
They fixed the car for free!
And I heard that to the tune of "They got the mustard out!"
They darned well better, considering you just bought it.
5 cups of my favorite popcorn (popped) is only 1 Weight Watcher point!
The "the Bible isn't anti-gay" crowd will tell you that the sin of Sodom was their lack of hospitality... that the code of life in the desert was such that hospitality was essential for survival of the culture and once you offered someone shelter in your home their protection was even more important than the financial hit you would take if you couldn't marry off your daughters because they weren't virgins anymore (having been raped by an ugly mob and all).
Well, if you want to count Ezekiel as part of the "the Bible isn't anti-gay crowd," 'cause that's really exactly what he says. (Chapter 16)
49 Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom: pride, fulness of bread, and careless ease was in her and in her daughters; neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.
50 And they were haughty, and committed abomination before Me; therefore I removed them when I saw it.
That's the interpretation I learned in Hebrew school, and the way it was presented in our Hebrew school textbooks. The word "sodomite" really confused me the first few times I heard it.
Yay, Aimee. What was wrong with it?
I tried to nap, and couldn't, because this apartment make different sounds than my old one.
Color me crankyish.