Were apostrophes luck?
I am also not a fan of the sockpuppets. If you don't make it REALLY obvious REALLY fast who you really are, the vibe I get is Obnoxious Newbie, not Old-Timer Having Fun, and I'm going to react accordingly. Which is to say, curmedgeonly.
So I think this is not just time for a scroll bar, but time to close the browser window for me.
You could block.
I just don't like people leaving.
BabyBostonDurgin - is adorable!~
I can block The Universe. I can't preemptively block March, or April, or Fire Marshall Bill, or whoever else people are going to decide it's funny to post as.
I know this looks like an overreaction, and it probably is. (After all, for all I know Gudanov is just as 'real" as "The Universe.") Sorry to be Ms. Wet Blanket Drama Queen for the day.
I'm real. Really. I settled on Gudanov after I discovered by id was already in use on Table Talk many eons ago. Now it seems odd to change it.
Reasons I love the Buffistas #52,627:
The Nephilim are an occasional subject of discussion.
I was about to post about the Nephilim, in response to someone's question about giants, but five other Buffistas beat me to it.
The Nephilim is also a Shivan bomber in the video game Freespace 2.
Gudanov, if you aren't real, you have some darn cute imaginary kids.
(Dropping this and going poof, really.)
patiently waiting for Jilli to chime in on Fields of the Nephilim...
You know what, this is making me irrationally upset, I guess because I felt we had decided on an unofficial policy against sockpuppets the last time this came up. So I think this is not just time for a scroll bar, but time to close the browser window for me.
If anyone knows who the Universe is, would you please email me? Thanks. Profile addy is good.
It's me! It's me! I CONFESSSSSSS!
You know, handful of people had fun for an hour or so playing a game/having a conversation. Sometimes that happens. On every darn thread. Some things aren't fun for every single person. Some of us, for example, don't give a hoot about TAR or dinner plans in LA. Big freakin' deal. Skip the discussion. Get over it. Shooting down a discussion one doesn't "like" is getting to be an annoying theme around here lately.