There was a third wife of Adam who was made before his eyes, but he could never get over the image of her being all veins and gook and whatnot so he cast her aside. This is inferred from God putting Adam to sleep before making Eve.
This is from the Gospel of the Visible Woman?
Triple x-post!
Hey, there was nothing dirty in that!
Hey, there was nothing dirty in that!
You were just in a three-way, -t. Accept it and move on.
All we are is dust in the wind.
As Buffy taught us, though, dust can kick.
This is from the Gospel of the Visible Woman?
It's in Sandman! Also some rabbinical writings.
For a long time people believed that men had one less rib than women. Because it said so in the Bible, so there was no need to actually count or anything.
I was taught this, completely straight-faced, as a child. In fact, until this moment, I'd never thought about it being wrong, and no one had ever said, at least in my hearing, that it wasn't true.
I was taught this, completely straight-faced, as a child. In fact, until this moment, I'd never thought about it being wrong, and no one had ever said, at least in my hearing, that it wasn't true.
Checks off "Credulous" in Deena's file. Note to self: renew stock of swampland brochures.
bounces in.
No Baby Calibre yet, then? Huh. But Jacuzzi bathing, which is always a plus. 'Specially if it features Plei. Bless.