If I were God, I'd just make Eve with the same number of ribs that Adam now had, ergo no missing rib. However -- was it a rib, or a rib pair? Because you'd think someone would have noticed if it were just the one rib.
I'm pretty sure it was just one rib.
What was Lilith made from?
Now I'm curious too....
Wait, so we now have The Universe posting with us?
Universe? That may possibly be an even more impressive celebrity posting than Joss or Tim.
In any case, welcome, TU. I hereby proclaim that I accept The Universe!
What was Lilith made from?
And anyone who answers "rocky road ice cream" will be accused of flagrant COMM-baiting.
Same stuff as Adamn, presumably.
Lilith was made out of dust, same as Adam.
What was Lilith made from?
I believe Lilith was made from the same dirt Adam was made from, but I'm not certain.
Same stuff as Adamn, presumably.
Dust and God!spit?
Maybe The Universe knows....
eta: xpost. except for the God!spit part.
skipping and skimming like a mad thing ...
It occurred to me that if there's anything to the theory that what the mother sees/thinks of during pregnancy has any validity, Princess TickyBox will arrive wearing a hood and cape.
There was a third wife of Adam who was made before his eyes, but he could never get over the image of her being all veins and gook and whatnot so he cast her aside. This is inferred from God putting Adam to sleep before making Eve.