that a mother's thoughts at the time of conception could imprint themselves on her child.
... or if she was startled by something while pregnant, the child would have a mark on it in the shape of the thing that startled her. Also, ugly people who stared at her would make the child ugly, etc. etc.
That's totally true though. When my Mom was pregnant with me, before she even knew I was on the way, she and Dad went camping in the Smokies. One night someone very stupidly left food on the picnic table instead of locking it up in the car and all too predictably a black bear came into the campsite and chowed down. Scared the fuck out of my folks... they hear the noise, they peek, screaming ensues, the bear runs off but hits the tent ropes on the way outta dodge and the thing collapses on my parents (who at first, of course, think they're about to be eaten...)
And nine months later I was born with bare feet.
t runs. the. fuck. a. way.
Someone who's closer than me smack her.
I'm glad that Cass and BillyTea like their penguins. I would have said so earlier, but I'm still having computer trauma, which will be over when I get back from Cleveland(!!!), as that will be the soonest I can pick up said computer.
Timelies, all, with special greetings to soon-to-be-mamma-Plei.
Hey, Sean. I'm rather afraid to ask how you're doing...
Plei, did anyone ever take any pictures of pregnant!you?
We took some yesterday, before we left for the hospital. Good thing, because I *so* don't want them taken now.
The IV port is ick, but Plei, I'm so glad you are being pampered with jacuzzi baths. Also, envious. I understand that there's all kinds of discomfort and pain and crazy bodily fluids ahead, but any experience that includes a jacuzzi bath and ends with the triumphant unveiling of a brand-new human (particularly a half-Plei, half-Paul, all-her-own-self human) is not all bad.
May the hospital stay boring except for easy and safe delivery of Princess Tickybox. If there is any excitement, let it be in the form of an escaped monkey.
Best wishes for an uneventful delivery.