Poor Quim Rosell, born 1964. I wonder what country he/she is from. The things people name their kids
t shakes head
That poor kid.
Owen and I just had lunch at Moe's Southwest Grill. I can't stress how much O loves cheese quesadillas with tomatoes on the side.
t drive by...
t /drive by
All this candy talk, I kept reading as Condi, in whidh case, yes, seeking help would be good.
(Runs off to take a bath)
(Runs off to take a bath)
Enjoy that, Plei! I'm assuming no Tickybox as of yet.
I would!
I think it was Lee Turgeson (aka Beecher), but not 100% sure, who gave him a drawing of the Yellow M&M making Red his bitch.
I mean, they have no genitalia.
Nonsense - what do you think the hard, protective shell is for?
Hospitals are either booooooring or terrifying.
Nonsense - what do you think the hard, protective shell is for?
So they have to
break their shells
to have sex?
Well, at least we know the M&M's on the commercials are virgins.
BTW, does anybody know who does the voice of Red? I'm pretty sure it's Billy "Fry" West.
And is it my imagination, or were the very first couple of talking M&M commercials waaaaaay back when actually voiced by John Goodman and John Lovitz?