Whoo hoo, Nora and Tom! What a gorgeous place! I'm seething with jealousy -- it really is lovely. I would have been just as anxious as you, waiting for that call.
Cashmere, Owen is adorable! And toddling! It really is amazing how fast it goes.
Deena, the preschool sounds great! (I am totally abusing exclamation point, aren't I?) How cool that Aidan was fascinated by it all.
{{{vw}}} Just because you deserve hugs. Good for you, getting to classes and through the day. And yay! iPod!
Safe arrival~ma to Plei and Paul. So very awesome that Princess Tickybox is coming anytime now.
I'll be sad you won't be my neighbors anymore, but my God, what a gorgeous place.
Hey, we never saw each other anyway, and aren't you moving to Davis? And you have a car right? so, you know, party at Nora & Toms! We'll get a mini vegan grill just for tofu and veggies.
It's a plan, Nora. I don't spend nearly enough time in Salem, anyway. I've been only three times in my Massachusetts-residing life.
yay! plans with Jen! this makes me ridiculously happy.
Also, we should be sure to get together as mini farewell neighborhood parties.
Yay, Nora!
Cutiehead Owen!
I just got back from seeing Tony Kushner talk. (See tagline.) I'm still stuck in a pathetic fangirly haze.
Happy Birthday, Owen!!!
Owen's pictures are sooo amazingly cute. Babies eating their first birthday cake are my favorite baby pictures ever.
I'm home. I'm exhausted and in tears again, but I did it. We (my parents, therapist and I) decided that the iPod is still on.
Yay! Go vw!!!
Yay Nora and Tom!!! Congratulations!!!
Continued ~ma to Plei and family. I can't wait to hear all about the Princess.
We're still up in the air on that one.
Oh good (for me). I was afraid I'd missed an announcement.
Happy Birthday, Owen! (Just under the wire.)
I'm grading creative writing portfolios, and my brain hurts. Someone distract me!
t stomps foot
You people are
not helping!
I've been stuck here grading all this time that I could have been procrastinating!