Whoot! Nora & Tom!!!!
Nora, it really is agonizing, but worth it. The first house we bid on was a gorgeous, restored, small Victorian (amazingly in our price range). We actually called from the car after seeing it to try to get our bid in but were informed it was already in contract. I cried all the way home.
But we did better with the house we eventually got so it all worked out. I hope the rest of the process is less stressful for you.
Nora, congrats to you and Tom!!!
Plei, all I can really say right now is meep, because if I start with the words, the tears will come and so meep.
Meep. Meep. Meep.
I feel like an adenoidally afflicted Road Runner.
Cashmere, how was your big boy's day?
Cashmere, how was your big boy's day?
Uploading the pictures right now. We went to the zoo this morning and I have two huge blisters to show for it.
Sidebar question: Blisters, to drain or not to drain? Pop them or leave them alone?
Cake was had. Toddling was done. My boy toddles! How in the hell does it go so fast????
May everything go nice and smooth for the rest of the process.
Is every homeowner snickering at this? just checking.
Frank, we're gonna be neighbors!
Leave 'em alone, Cash. Less chance of infection. Paste moleskin on top if they hurt to walk on.
Leave 'em alone, Cash. Less chance of infection. Paste moleskin on top if they hurt to walk on
I have some New Skin I could put on them. But they're awfully puffy and full of fluid. I can leave them alone and wear my sports slip ons for a few days.
From the zoo this morning.
The boy likes cake. A lot.
And he toddles. I'm the mother of a freakin' toddler.
Aww! Cutiehead Owen.
Annabel was restrained in her cake eating. Either she's "meh" about chocolate, or she's so smart she understood what we meant by "future blackmail material" and determined to appear dignified at all times a camera was upon her.
O demolished it before he decided to take a bite. Once it was in crumbs and the frosting was sticking to his fingers, he stuck his fingers in his mouth. From then on out he was licking them like a deer on a salt lick.