I think Nora and vw should take each other out for manicures or something.* You're both dealing with hugely stressful days and managing in the best way you can, and the fact that it's not easy is no reason to beat up on yourselves. Maybe it's easier to see from outside, but you're both hanging in there and doing things and that's exactly what you need to do. Hugs to you both.
* hee, x-post with vw.
A good friend of the family (Dave Goddard, for DX) has a long involved story about buying their first house, and the trauma they went through. The part that always sticks with me is that Dave ended up balancing the checkbook on his thigh to write the check for the downpayment, and swears that that section of his thigh went completely numb for about a month and a half.
Realtors suck. Sorry, Nora.
It's the other one that's being built on the truck frame.
The Outback?
I hope you're right. I used to be the Forrester's #1 fan (saving my mom's life and all), and I was very upset when I heard they'd chosen emissions ratings over safety.
Back still hurts like a mofo. I keep thinking it's not that bad, but there are certain directions I can't move or I'll start crying. Or pass out. Or both. (Still wearing the TermaCare patch, just took another dose of Advil. Something has to kick in soon.)
vw, that sounds awesome. sadly, I'll be here at work till 6:30 or even later.
the raging urge to hurt myself or something/someone else has passed. I've cried a bit and am just tired and sad and depressed at the thought of how much work I have left to do today.
God, I'd love to stay home tomorrow.
Homebuying is always a rollercoaster without the actual fun part, plus your have to be exposed to real estate agents. I'm sure there are real estate agents who don't drive you insane. After all, one of my best friends is a real estate agent. They're few and far between, though. You've done much harder stuff than this, Nora.
And of course vw should still get the iPod. I think you've set yourself impossible standards, and then you beat yourself up when you don't meet them. I don't think I ever got to all my classes and I was frequently completely unprepared and saved only by a talent for bullshit. I think that this semester the goal for the iPod should be "no incompletes" and then you might think of more of a stretch goal for next semester.
Jess, how much Advil are you taking? Because you *can* take 800 mg every 6 hours or so.
I took 400mg around 11, and 600mg just now. (Normally I'd start with the high dose and work my way down, but the receptionist only had those little 2-pill individual packets.)
Nora, would you like me to grab you a tea or coffee and bring it by? 'Cause I wouldn't mind.
and I was frequently completely unprepared and saved only by a talent for bullshit.
My dad told me today, "Your goal was to make it to all of your classes, not to have your work done on time." I love my dad.