It must be that time of year, Nora. I just got a response back from one of my old boyfriends. It was very nice. I hope yours is good.
vw, yay for you. I'm so proud and pleased and impressed. You rock.
Many vibes to emmett and to his parents. Peace and strength to all of them.
Hoping Emmett has an easy operation with steady hands and good drugs. Well, I suppose I should specify that the doctor should have steady hands and Emmett should have good drugs.
Yay! A three hour meeting for this afternoon was just moved to tomorrow!!! My afternoon just opened up quite nicely. Tomorrow's not looking so great but I'll worry about that tomorrow.
Yay vw!!!
Bestest vibes to Emmett. He'll be great.
As you may know, my friend T. had some legal problems while we lived together, and the reason why I bring this up is because the night before her first court date, she was SO nervous she prayed to get a judge that had gotten a blow job the night before.
All the vibes just reminded me of that, for some reason.
Go vw!
the night before her first court date, she was SO nervous she prayed to get a judge that had gotten a blow job the night before
So practical, it's beautiful.
Go, vw!!! You rock, girl!
All the healing and peace vibes to Emmett and his parents today.
And now it's bright and sunny outside, while a few snow flurries go by. Are there snow-bows? Like rainbows?
Yay, vw! I knew you could do it.
And I hope Emmett's operation goes well.
HUGE flood in my building.