As someone else pointed out, when you are in labor you really don't care how many or few people are around. I could have been in the middle of the mall with the evening news and I wouldn't have noticed.
By the end when we had to go into minor crisis mode to get the kid out, I didn't care how many medical personnel ended up in the room, as long as they had a purpose. But I'm still glad DH was the only person from my everyday life who was there. Which is to say that while I agree with everything about where your husband is coming from and how to support him, do stick to your guns about who you want to be there, because you will still care, and if there's any time in a marriage when your preferences should rule the day, childbirth is it.
Veronica Mars got renewed!!! I don't even know if anyone else here watches it anymore, but I'm ecstatic.
I'm watching it right now (seriously), AIFG!
Stephanie, if he's that nervous, can you offer to hire a doula? A professional non-doctor type support person might do him a world of good.
{{Stephanie}} good commmunication ma~~ to you guys
and yes, I still watch VM
I am FURIOUS! I just saw the dog that attacked Toto last summer or fall...being walked by his owner WITHOUT A LEASH. The owner is a kid, so I didn't report him when the dog attacked Toto...just gave the kid a talking to. Now I wish I would have.
ETA: I did call and report what I saw today. Who knows if they'll catch up with him in time, but at least I tried.
Is it just me or does Laura's tag keep getting longer and longer?
Please don't make me keep track of the o's. Please.
Snerk. Not to worry Sunil, it is the same length.
Yeah, so the universe has not stopped fucking with me. I just got off the phone with the mechanic, and he says I also need a new starter, a new front left caliper on my breaks, and a new transmission.
There are no words for how deep this depression is that I'm sliding in to. I have no money and no fucking job, and without a fucking car in this town, it's really difficult to find and get to a new job.
He give you a price as to how much to fix everything?
{{{Sean}}} I'm truly sorry life is shitting all over you right now. I'll keep you in my thoughts and I'ma lambast the hell out of the universe for you.
I should be cleaning in anticipation of Nicole arrival. I'm not. I will. I might. I'll get there, sooner or later.