The dermatologist gave me a steroid cream
Heh. When I dated a medical student she summed up her entire dermatology rotation thusly: "If it's dry, wet it. If it's wet, dry it. If they're not on steroids, put 'em on. If they are on steroids, take 'em off. That's it."
Tell him to talk to the uberboss and not let him know what it's about?
This, and make sure to phrase it in a way that let him know that a) it's not bad, and b) it's something that'll be affecting both you and him short-term.
so has anyone used albuteral? I am supposed to take 2 puffs every 4 as needed. I can't decide what that means. Partially because about an hour after I have taken it I get to cough and spit for a while which is unplesant and painful.
I posed a Question in my livejournal that seems a little Bitches-like, for anybody that's interested. Text below.
How much longer will it be before it's really okay for mostly-straight guys to wear makeup? I mean, I know enough about how makeup works to know that given a bit of the right foundation and some properly applied eyeliner, I would look much better than I do, but what's the point if the same girls that then find me hot are immediately disgusted by the "feminine" nature of said makeup use? It's annoying. My eyes are by far my best feature, and yet they are doomed to fade into the paleness of their surroundings, not allowed to shine through their contrast with a thin dark line of artificial shadow.
Basically, if you're wheezing and have trouble breathing, you need it. But you should find out what your doctor means by it!
beth, you have bronchitis, right? And asthma? Because that sounds exactly like the directions my doc. gives me with that combo. And it means (for my doc) exactly what Betsy said.
Of course, with me, it also means take a Zyrtec before using the albuterol because it makes me
from the inside out.
thanks for answering so quickly Betsy. I was calling my wheezing "intermitent" - I just took some - the soul sucking pain in chest is gone
Thanks for the birthday wishes, everybody. It's been a nice day.
I am supposed to take 2 puffs every 4 as needed
I use it. The best thing to do is clear your throat *really well* before you puff -- almost like a exhaling wheeze -- to get some of that stuff out beforehand. It might take some getting used to. And by "every 4" you mean every 4 *hours*, right?
You should also try to hold it in (almost like you're smoking a joint) when you've puffed, for both puffs. It helps the medicine work, or so I've been told.
You should also try to hold it in
That's what the Dr. told my daughter when she had to use it.