But, fortunately, they can't.
That's a relief! (little bastards can give us their parasites but they won't take ours...)
It was so awful it just became funny. (Especially with the passage of time. And boy do I have a great pickup line! "Yeah, I've had mange.")
We have funny pictures of my dog with the treatment stuff on him -- it turned him green!
Stephanie, many happy returns of the (yester)day! I hope this coming year is full of joyous good things for you.
I've got the curtains sort of hung. I wish the rest of the living room was done. It's almost time to cook dinner.
Whee! My life is one long round of giddy dissipation.
Scabies apparently don't like the face much.
If they're like the mange the love the boobies though.
But, who doesn't!
clover mites,
Kate P is a plant! Pass it on!
The Empress and the Mange--An itchy fairytale.
"You and The Mange" is a fab band name.
If they're like the mange the love the boobies though.
Yeah...they haven't reached there yet, but I've been warned.