Frank, s'cool, we'll catch up one of these days. I recall that you have been trying to get up to Maine for a while...
Deena, my favorite show on HGTV, which I am totally spacing on the name of, is the one where they renovate a room by using crap in the people's garage or basement or what have you. it's totally the "work with what ya got" show.
Edit: Ooh, number!
Not much else to say besides that. I kind of wish that I weren't working this temp job for the next two weeks, but a) I told them I would, and b) the money is nice.
I may just have to tell them that I need tomorrow afternoon off, but not tell them that it's for no other reason than slounging around my house.
Anne! I had a dream about you last night. Actually, about you and your house. You were hosting a HUGE overnight party...part of it was at Disney World (clearly that doesn't really make sense), but we were all staying with you afterwards. There were all these doors and mazes to get to the different rooms. It was a really wild dream.
SA, pass one of those donuts over here. I need some breakfast!
Anne, when do you close on the sale of your house, and move, and stuff?
vw, funny you should say that--the new house is a perfect party house, and I'm hoping that various Buffistae will come to visit.
Closing is on the 27th, and I get in my car and head west on the 28th. Whee!
Mom's going to come here on the 20th and help me pack. The movers will theoretically be getting all my stuff on the 26th.
Not a lot of time left, is there?
The big things left to do (besides packing) are to get the boxes for packing, arrange one more visit from the plumber, and take care of getting various utilities and services cancelled.
Oh, Anne! This is so exciting! And I definitely want to come visit...just depends on lots of variables. I haven't been doing much traveling of late.
And you're definitely going to buy the new house, too? a question. Last night I noticed I had some little red dots all over my right arm, and they were itching. This morning, I noticed they had turned into defined bumps. While in the shower, I noticed that they were spreading and now also on my left arm. And they itch like CRAZY.
I'm sure it's an allergic reaction of some sort. But, I haven't changed soaps or lotions recently, and I can't think of what else might be causing them. Should I stop by health services today or wait a few more days and see if they go away or get worse?
Oh yeah, I had some skin weirdness last night. The area where my tattoo is was all puffy and itchy - the inked part, not the surrounding skin. I've had this tatt for like three years, though, it's not like it's new. It seems to have mostly receded this morning but it was kind of weirding me out.