Hey, it can't hurt. "There are seventeen species of penguin and I can name them all! Emperor, King, Gentoo, Chinstrap, Snares, Royal, Fjordland, Galapamagos..." Ok, maybe it can hurt.
As long as you don't write penguin fic.
Not that there's anything wrong with that....
As long as you don't write penguin fic.
Nooo! Not the icky flightless waterfowl fic! Euw, that's so sick and wrong, only sickies would do that!
And I confess I don't understand how the whole girl-boy thing works, how two people can love each other AND *like* each other, which is a completely different kettle of fish. And I get that it's just as important, but....I guess I've never been friends with anyone I was in love with.
Z is one of two men I've really *liked* as well as loved. Both of the friendships came in the middle of the falling in love as well, so I'm not sure how the whole 'being friends first' thing works, but the friendship is rather damn neat. You'll get it. Plei/Keanu/Oz is dead on.
MWAH back to Aims and Em. I think the bright red must have helped her a bit. :)
And thanks to everyone. We had a really good time, and I'm glad I finally get to share the pictures with all y'all.
I'll confess that my favorite non-Z one is this one of my mom and me, because we're both going "Married! I'm/You're married!" It was fun.
I'm working on the whole liking-and-loving thing. Did I mention I have a boy? Well, I sort of have a boy. He's not really mine. We're in negotiation.
the best friend as husband is Teh Awesome. Tom and I were friends first, so it's like opposite J&Z. Anyway. My best friend & I just got pre-approved for the amount of money we need to buy the house in Salem I love, and got a lot of questions answered, and found out our credit scores (mine was MUCH higher than I thought), and also found out that the amount of money we want to spend on a house is a pretty low ratio to our income, so there's wiggle room if we want, or more likely, be able to pay down the mortgage and/or student loan after we settle.
Now, I am reallyo trulyo scared. What the fuck? What are we, grownups or something? No effing way.
I LOVE JULIANA'S WEDDING PICTURES THAT IS ALL BEEP. (hoping it will bring Rio out to play)
That's wonderful news Nora! Wow!
And SA! Do not base your negotiations on sports leagues. No one wins in a lock-out.
We might owe another $16k in student loans. I'm not happy about it, but I think we are morally obligated to pay it back - it's a loan that Henry's parents took out to pay for his education that never got paid back. Now that H's dad has gone, apparently the debt has become H's. Which is all pretty reasonable, aside from teh part where we didn't know we had this debt when we were paying off Henry's loans a few years ago. The weird part is that the "Student Signature" is Henry's name, but doesn't look like his signature. It's peculiar, but I think pursuing that will be more likely to make trouble for H's mom than get us out of the debt.
To make a long story short (too late), so much for my crazy idea that our finances were under control.
To make a long story short (too late), so much for my crazy idea that our finances were under control.
Yeah, this is my total fear, which is why we are really, really, trying to keep our ratio as low as possible. It's so easy to get overextended. Without even knowing it!
Go Tom and Nora! That's so exciting!
the place we are looking at has a yard. Maybe we can get a dog!
-t, did Henry ask his mother--that is something along the lines of, "If you and dad took this out and signed on my behalf, I own the debt. I just want to make sure it wasn't taken out by another family to pay to educate another Henry."