And I confess I don't understand how the whole girl-boy thing works, how two people can love each other AND *like* each other, which is a completely different kettle of fish. And I get that it's just as important, but....I guess I've never been friends with anyone I was in love with.
I have faith that someday, you will be, and that no matter how far you've travelled to get there, you wouldn't change a step on the path, because hey: there you are. (Note to self: I'm either turning into Keanu or Oz.)
It makes things so much easier, even when things are hard. If that makes sense.
Oh, crud. I totally didn't mean to make that about me, and yet I did. Please continue praising juliana's beauty.
But thanks, Little Mama, a lot.
Depressed now. I just finished packing up a whole suitcase full of cute clothes that don't fit me.
Somebody make me stop incessantly checking blogs and posting boards and make a list of What Must Be Done This Week Even With MIL in Town and do a bit of writing. Because last week was kinda sucky, and I haven't written since Thursday. I'm having trouble getting back on the horse that threw me.
jules, your beauty is breathtaking. (Em = really fussy, calmed down when saw your pics) You and Z are so happy. Blessing on you.
And a big fat MWAH!!
Dh has not found a cure for the flu, or a magic spell to banish it. He would be most pleased if I was no longer sick
OK. Did the list. Must make self write.
Did anyone see the beginning of the Robin Williams bio movie thing? My tape picks up on the set of Happy Days. WHAT THE HELL DID I MISS?!?!?
It looks like it was a really fun ceremony, juliana, and you both look wonderful. I agree with Steph, you can see how well you two fit with one another.
Trudy, I didn't see the movie, but the first appearance of Mork is on "Happy Days," in a strange "Alien visits the Cunninghams and wackiness ensues" episode.