However, the sausage stayed out so long that the other two feared that something bad had happened. The bird flew off to see if he could find her. A short distance away he came upon a dog that had seized the sausage as free booty and was making off with her. The bird complained bitterly to the dog about this brazen abduction, but he claimed that he had discovered forged letters on the sausage, and that she would thus have to forfeit her life to him.
If I had a sausage company it would certainly have to be named The Forged Letters Sausage Co.
I'm partial to Free Booty, myself.
t edit
And I like the versatility of "Free Booty." It could be a descriptor, like "Getchyer free booty here!" Or it could be an exhortation, like Free Nelson Mandela, only without the political overtones.
I'm partial to Free Booty, myself.
I am
close to tagging this with no context.
I'm partial to Free Booty, myself.
I am thiiiiiis close to tagging this with no context.
Oh, I like *that* Free Booty, too.
Still Angry That I Paid $100 To See The Play Four Months After It Opened, only To Find Elphaba, Galinda, AND The Wizard All Being Played By Understudies For That Week, Though It Was Still Fun.
should I read a surreal fairy tale while ill? on one had - the fever is gone ( which means I no longer debate for half an hour weather or not I should move) on the other hand - my head seems to belong to some alien...
Or it could be an exhortation, like Free Nelson Mandela, only without the political overtones.
I made up a button once (I still have it around here somewhere) that said:
With large fry or combo meal purchase
Apparently Aims has my Nelson Mandela button.
She has everything. She has it all. She's got it going on.
But we knew that.
Thanks for asking, JZ, and thanks for the Overstock suggestion, Brenda. I will look there first.
I just Targetedized myself. I went there planning on buying some cat stuff and some packing tape. In addition to almost forgetting the packing tape, I also ended up with 5 shirts (but
cheap ones-less then 10 bucks each), and then noticed they had a $5.50 DVD sale, so I snagged
The Ref
Center Stage
(Pretty men in tights, plus Peter Gallagher!).