we finally got the actual photos! I should have them uploaded by tonight.
Seconding the can't waitedness.
Poor Charles and Camilla.
It does really suck for them. It has been a long string of bad events getting in the way of their happiness. They did reschedule since Charles will attend the Pope's funeral. They may both be complete jerks, or lovely fellows for all I know, but the press they have had to endure gives them my sympathy.
I had a pretty good weekend. Saturday, my wife went off to a lay ministry meeting for the day so it was just me and the kids. We did some cleaning around the house, well, I did some cleaning around the house, then I took the back seat out of the van and went to Home Depot and loaded up with a couple of boards and a bunch of mulch. Then we got some lunch and I invited some of my daughter's friends to come over and play. The kids played in the backyard while I assembled a canopy swing the kids got from my parents and while I cleaned up the backyard. That evening I got my daughter's new computer up and running which will clear up her old computer to give to my grandparents since their computer (which I gave to them a few years ago) just died.
Sunday, I did some grocery shopping with my daughter after I cooked some mac and cheese for their lunch and cleaned up the kitchen. After getting back from the store, I got the kids ready to go off to their grandparents for the afternoon. Then, I changed the oil the van, checked the fluids, and went off to recycle the used oil, pick up a forgotten item from the store, and get a few more boards and yet more mulch. Then my wife was off to the church for the evening and the kids came back. I managed to cut up some lumber while the kids played in the backyard. After that, I did a cookout for the kids and I where I had some grilled hot dogs, potato wedges and green beans. Good stuff.
Deena, could it have been the production of "Much Ado About Nothing" woth Sam Waterston and Kathleen Widdoes?
She does ger caught in a "rain" from an automatic sprinkler. if it isn't, check it out anyway--it's wonderful!
Sounds like a nice weekend Gud. Your activities sounds much like mine, except for the lack of sunburn. Home projects and rotating computers among family members is often the stuff of weekends.
#1 son has taken over the roll of answering Grandpa's computer questions list. We arrived for a visit this weekend and Grandpa mentioned he had some questions and Jr. waved me off and said he would take care of it, and he did. Now if only he would devote some of those brains to cracking bank codes.
HMOG I have so much work to do, everyone is freaking out, and I am the only one in the office with TWO new hires.
Thankfully they are both very nice and laid back. But, yikes!
Eek, Nora! Good luck!
I have been trying to get ahold of one of my professors all weekend, but she's not returning my e-mails. I'm not going to class today, because they are watching Deliverence. But, we have an assignment due today. I just e-mailed her and told her I would e-mail it to her when I get home. I hope that's going to be ok. At least I have the e-mails to show I was trying to get ahold of her...
Timelies! Just wanted to pop in and say, Teppy! I adore your new haircut! The shorter length brings the eye up and focusses on your eyes and lips. Sex-ay!
yay Flu!
okay, not really. but I did have an incoherent dream with Ron Stoppable, TopicCindy and the Pope.
P.S. Teppy' hair looks great - I couldn't see the yetiness of the too long hair til I saw how great th cut is.
I'm sorry about the flu (and the dream). Who is Ron Stoppable?
Overheard from the other room
CHRIS: Who is Mr. Rogers' father?
JULIA: I don't know. He's not on the show.
CHRIS: Yeah, but who's his father?
JULIA: I don't know, Christopher! Besides, he's probably dead by now. Mr. Rogers is.
CHRIS: Mr. Rogers is dead?
JULIA: Yeah, this is just a rerun, he's been dead since Grampy died.
CHRIS: But he's on the TV, right now. Grampy's not on the TV.
JULIA: It's because it's an old show, Christopher!
CHRIS: Well, he sure doesn't look dead on the show? Is Mr. Rogers very old?
JULIA: CHRISSY-FER! He's dead! He's dead! He's dead.
CHRIS: Are you sure Mr. Rogers is dead? Is he going to stay dead forever?
I'm sitting here laughing, and crying and the same time.
Ron Stoppable is Kim Possible's side kick. His naked mole rat is a better sidekick ( disney channel)