speaking of 80s movies, The Breakfast Club is on AMC right now. love this movie so much.
also love Patrick Dempsey. Grey's Anatomy was good, but not must watch tv. i like PD, Sandra Oh and Katie Heigl a lot though. so i imagine i will make an effort to watch the show. the lead female is kind of irritating.
The lead female reminded me too much of that Zelleweger chick for me to like her.
Crazy lioness.
That's a bunch of issues, right there.
Heh. Maybe she is vision and smell impaired, or something. That's really kind of cute in a Spike growing so fond of Dawn way.
I'm watching "Who'll Get the Dog" on Animal Planet and this week's dog is just adorable -- a terrier/Maltese cross -- so cute and very sweet too. Also, laid-back -- which is kind of surprising -- given the terrier part of the equation.
I'm finally caught up and I find I have little to say.
Tech weekend of Lost Land was interesting and uneventful. Saturday's dinner break involved a long discussion of Firefly (which I did not start!) and I was able to share the movie premiere date and the connection to
The Inside.
During Sunday's dinner break, I got a couple people hooked on stacking cats.
OMG. Just saw this weeks Robot Chicken. I don't think it did quite as much for me as it did Steph (it was the
Teen Titans
bit, right? Either that or the
Great Pumpkin
), but it was still damned funny. Nothing's quite beaten Headless Ponch for me yet, though.
because Easter has becomd a major food holiday for my family, not a religious holiday.
This is my family also. Yet another reason for our heathen asses to build a celebration around chocolate.
No disrespect for ANY other religion or its practitioners whatsoever is intended. It's just our thing.
Crazy lioness.
But sweet. Except for the part where her adoptive calves keep getting ripped from her paws.
OMG. Just saw this weeks Robot Chicken. I don't think it did quite as much for me as it did Steph (it was the Teen Titans bit, right? Either that or the Great Pumpkin)
Actually, both. I think that the
Great Pumpkin
bit made me laugh the hardest.