Upon consideration, Frank, although you make a good point, one must also consider that "groove thang" contains 4 fewer letters than "that money-maker," thus rendering it the preferable phrase on the keystroke-efficiency scale; should either of those phrases become standard business-speak, it's clear that those 4 keystrokes, over the tens of thousands of repetitions Heartless, Inc. plans to wring out of its hapless employees over the decades, could add up to
several full minutes
of time said employees could devote to shouldering other meaningless soul-sucking tasks vital job duties for HI.
Frank, Frank, Frank. You've got to think big by thinking small.
Allyson, I think that news story has circulated a bit, but there's no statute of limitations on mocking the illiterate.
Has the video with the Ivory Billed Woodpecker been posted anywhere?
I want to see it!
I think it will be very hard to defeat the Republicans in the next election cycle and in 2008. The RNC is absolutely kicking the DNC's ass in fundraising for the midterm elections, by more than 2 to 1.
I don't know, but I heard that story on NPR's Radio Expeditions this morning. More than one avid birder interviewed described having wept with joy when he realized that it really was this long-lost bird.
there's no statute of limitations on mocking the illiterate.
Yeah, I think that bill is still in committee.
Alabama Bill Targets Gay Authors
So no Florence King then I suppose. Or does she get by on a conservative pass?
Hivemind question:
If I have reason to believe some of my mail has been disappearing, what can I do about it? We never got an EW last week (usually arrives Fri. or Sat.), and I'm also missing the RWA monthly newsletter, which everyone else in the Seattle chapter seems to have gotten between Fri. and Mon. It makes me wonder what else is missing. We've had some problems with USPS lately--the wussy delivery driver who won't deliver our mail unless there's enough space between our cars in the mailbox to park
postal vans, the incompetent one who skipped a neighbor's box and left all of us with the mail belonging one house to the north, etc. It's making me want to go postal on the postal service, but I'm not sure how much attention I'll get just for bitching that I know some magazines are missing and I'm worried that's not all.
I'm not sure how much attention I'll get just for bitching that I know some magazines are missing and I'm worried that's not all.
There's an 800 number you can call to report possible missing mail, and as I know from having worked on that phone line, there's a whole section in the computer on missing magazines and such. Considering I know a lot of people who still work on that line, though, you might be get better service by going to your post office yourself if it's convenient and politely mentioning you're missing things. Post office people get tired of only being talked to when something's gone wrong, and will be very pleased to help someone nice.
At least, they should be.
SO exciting about the ivory billed woodpecker.
Has anybody told Billytea?