I turn 35 this year. Eeek.
They make a much bigger deal if it is the first time. For subsequent pregnancies they just show the scary abnormalcy figures. I refused to have any invasive tests because 1) I'm scared of big needles and 2) It wouldn't have changed my mind. Down Syndrome not the end of the world.
I'm with DX, Dodgeball was fun for me, even though I am unathletic and have the hand-eye coordination of a blind eel. It was team sports like baseball that provided all the trauma for me because I was totally inept, and always seemed to let the team down. Dodgeball required enthusiasm and an arm. And maybe the kids at my school weren't vicious enough, because I don't remember it being a popularity thing at all.
Of course the favourite playtime for the winter months where I went to school was King of the Mountain where you fought your way to the top of the massive snowbank in the parking lot and then pushed down anyone who tried to take your place. That was vicious. Fortunately snowsuits gave people a lot of padding.
Ah yes, King of the Mountain in snow suits was hella fun. I either had a gentle mellow group of friends or I have a heavily filtered memory. Could be both.
But not in a mean-kids dodgeball way, right?
with a big red ball that has those funny hatch marks all over it and goes "ploomp"! when it hits the ground.
Was there medical assistance in the conception, Matt?
I imagine there must have been what with having twins at an age that most people are becoming grandparents. But she did go the natural childbirth route.
I played dodgeball in the 70's and have no scars--physical or emotional. I loved the movie and laughed like a maniac.
If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball!
Of course to be fair, I am what is considered a bruiser in sports, all force, no skill. But I am also very non-competitive, I have a friendly viciousness.
I have a friendly viciousness.
Me too. Field hockey was cool.
I loved the movie and laughed like a maniac.
As did I. I just can't see any real-life benefit to the game.
Things I really didn't need to know but am sharing anyway:
They just caught a serial arsonist by DNA on his pants, and yes, it comes from where you think it does. Many arsonists find fire erotic.