A massage would be terrific. I'm waiting for the massage therapist I usually go to to call me back and set up an appointment. (A 90 minute massage for $60--so totally worth it.)
I don't particularly want a wedding (so, Jesse, you can send that breadmaker to someone else) but I kind of like the thought of being married at the moment. I think I may just be a tad stressed.
I have a gift certificate for a day spa, and I called Monday to book a hot stone massage -- their hours are 10-6 Tuesday-Saturday, which gives a working girl like me a very small window of time that I could make an appt. And then there are all the other working girls who have the same issue.
Their first opening that would work with my schedule? May 27th. Man.
Leif just killed me DED.
Re that poor kid in Florida and the foster care system, Nutty is very wise.
Gah. The whole thing is ill-making. The utter heartless grandstanding, the cruelty of siccing the attorneys on her on the morning she was scheduled for the abortion, the self-congratulatory "We're only thinking about this poor frail child - so young, so tender! - who is surely too naive to make such a momentous decision all on her own, poor childish dear" smarm oozing from the mouths of various grown-ups who surely weren't bubbling over with concern for her wellbeing before.
Oh, that poor girl. I can't imagine what she's going through right now.
Steph, I have found that even calling a day spa for an appt during the day requires a couple of weeks notice to get in. Who plans their pampering so far in advance?
t last minute girl
Ha! So glad you guys were talking about Christina Hoff Sommers, b/c Bob & I argued about this last night at length. I thought the tag thing was total bullshit, and Jon was going after her pretty aggressively. This is how I heard the interview:
We've looked at classrooms...in playgrounds they've replaced tag with "circle of friends."
[some description of this ridiculous sharing game to much derisive laughter]
Well it's in this book, Quit it!...
So this is pervasive?
These are trends, happening everywhere.
No tag in schools.
Well, there's tag, but they eliminated dodgeball...
What about inner city schools?
I thought the whole idea that tag had actually been replaced sounded just irrational and stupid and it seemed clear that she was citing to something recommended by the government (we googled, Quit It is a DOE pub) without actually having seen this phenomenon. It sounded too good to be true for her purposes. And then when she was challenged, she was ridiculously mealy-mouthed throughout the entire interview!
FTR, Bob didn't think eliminating tag in favor of this game was completely unthinkable and so the fact that she avoided actually affirming that she'd seen this empirically wasn't persuasive to him. I asked him to google and he couldn't find any evidence that any school had eliminated tag.
got teh voice mail set up on my new phone. AND got the IM feature to work (except I am not sure how it works). everyone should caontact me.
supposedly I can get on some webpages through my new phone. not sure how that works. clearly I need to read the book.
That happened here a few years ago...the girl was fourteen.
It's the new Republican party. Government doesn't need to regulate corporations, it needs to regulate the moral decisions of individual people. Also, forget all that fiscal responsibility crap, that's passe.
Oh, that poor girl. I can't imagine what she's going through right now.
Pray that she isn't used to the extent that Terri Shaivo was. This poor child will have the rest of her life to suffer the consequences of whatever decisions are made. I'm hoping Jeb is gone on vacation somewhere and not paying attention. It would be so nice if DCF cared as much about the welfare of this girl as they do about her fetus. I'm sick for her.