I never knew I had a modicum of respect for Katie Holmes.
Or at least I used to.
Somethings you don't know you had until they're gone.
Tom Cruise? Ack, ick, also culty.
Very true, on all counts.
Someone remind me that I don't need this [link] when all I want is a small TV for my bedroom.
I love that stat aurelia. Where did you find it?
Hec... um. That's good! But, uh, were you making a point? That's not me being snarky sarcasticperson -- I'm not sure if you're disagreeing with me, or pointing out that there are people with a good grasp, or what?
Sorry, not grumping at you and I hadn't seen neo-con education lady yet. I agree with some of her points, but not the agenda she's pushing.
For example, Emmett's Little League works like this. Single-A they don't keep score. The kids keep score but there's no official score keeping. The coach's pitch. It's all about learning the game. In Double-A, they keep score but they don't keep standings. So the kids know if they won or lost, and the kids pitch, but the coach's step in after four balls. It's still about learning the skills but it is also about learning to compete. At the next level up, they keep score and standings and the best players go out in tournaments. (And win the divisional championship! Take that neocon bitch!)
So yes, competition good. Skills and confidence building...
also good!
I'm not a big fan of Super-Validation as either a schooling philosophy or a parenting approach. But...even in the East Bay where Emmett goes to school - as liberal and Rainbow Coalition place as you'd ever want - that's really not how kids are being taught.
I love that stat aurelia. Where did you find it?
A guy that I've been working with researched it. He's got spreadsheets and everything (with the possible exception of a social life).
Heh, aurelia -- sounds like a candidate for the Ig Nobel awards, at least if he publishes it somewhere. :-)
Tag is a great game for kids -- not too many rules, but enough that they get some sense of having to follow them; enough leeway to get creative (freeze tag, TV tag, etc.)
Flashlight tag! We played this in the woods all the time. One of my favorite memories.
I didn't stay up for all of TDS. I tend to catch it the next day. Our schools have been good for my kids needs. Brendon gets extra credit for his honors classes and could get more than a 4.0. Bobby gets double time and a quiet room to take his important tests because of his attention problems. I think both these rules make sense. They play tag and dodgeball, often and with enthusiasm.
SpyDaddy!!!!! Dr. Guy does
a great job, but
keep him outta