Wasn't The War Against Boys the one which said that our emphasis on raising girls' self-esteem was having a harmful effect on boys?
I thought Stewart was responding well, but it did just seem like a strange guest to book. And "what we need is a return to common sense"? Sounded an awful lot like "the only thing a good teacher really needs is a piece of chalk and a chalkboard."
This is far from the first time I've heard a student arguing that exact same thing, the "I worked hard, therefore I deserve an A, even though I haven't demonstrated a mastery of the material."
Self-esteem run amok! Or however you spell that.
Seriously, I am a good student, but I far more often think I've gotten an A I
Wasn't The War Against Boys the one which said that our emphasis on raising girls' self-esteem was having a harmful effect on boys?
The whole thing with getting rid of tag seems dumb, though, especially if they're replacing it with more structured games. Tag is a great game for kids -- not too many rules, but enough that they get some sense of having to follow them; enough leeway to get creative (freeze tag, TV tag, etc.); and enough space to play with the rules so that kids can get some sense of negotiation and compromise (like, figuring out things like "little kids are allowed to stay on base for 1 minute, older kids for 30 seconds; the kid who isn't allowed to watch TV can use movie names for TV tag," stuff like that.)
I think he is poisoning Spy Daddy, and making him sicker.
he was pretty dismissive of Jack's having done research into treatments
. And what's with
pushing Jack to clear his conscience with Syd? I think he's got Jack bugged
Hil, I agree with you. (Personally, I never liked tag, but I was one of those kids that just didn't like much of anything.) I even agree with her, at least with a lot of her anecdotes. It's just that... well, two things. The first is, I think things are rarely that simple, and I'd really like to hear from the people who actually do those things as to their reasoning. The second is that it seems... I guess it seems to be part and parcel of this idea that people running schools have no idea what they're doing. That teachers and administrators and parents are just doing things out of some touchy-feely hippy ideology without paying attention to the real task of school. I mean, she said at the end that what we really need to be doing is really engaging kids in the wonder of learning -- well, duh. What a stunning fucking revelation. I tell you what, lady, you come to the classroom full of kids who are about one more harsh word away from turning off entirely and coasting until they drop out, and you show me how to engage them -- otherwise, I'll keep trying whatever seems to work.
It doesn't help that I just got finished watching an hour of Lewis Black doing standup. It adds vehemence.
Jen, I agree
I think the bug is in his leg under the other bandage.
That teachers and administrators and parents are just doing things out of some touchy-feely hippy ideology without paying attention to the real task of school.
Interesting. Because Emmett's going to school in the East Bay (next door to Berkeley) and his curriculum is like...8 kerjillion (yes, I've documented this) times more difficult and demanding than mine was in third grade
what I clearly see on a daily basis is a strong grasp of exactly what works in education.
Alias: I definitely
have bad feelings about Dr. Lenny. Michael McKean does a great job at being cheerful creepy (see X-Files), and he's doing it in spades here. If they kill off SpyDaddy, Ima gonna be mad.
Hec... um. That's good! But, uh, were you making a point? That's not me being snarky sarcasticperson -- I'm not sure if you're disagreeing with me, or pointing out that there are people with a good grasp, or what?
Yeah, I absolutely agree, Emily. She's got a lot of anecdotes, but I don't think they neccesarily add up to a large-scale problem. And actually, when I think about a whole bunch of schools where I've volunteered, I think that half of them don't even have playgrounds big enough for playing tag, which I'd say is a much bigger problem.
I think there's got to be a balance in there somewhere. She's not it.