I get up from the bug talk and go into my boss's office to discuss a project with her and someone else, and ten minutes into it they suddenly segue into a discussion of ladybugs.
It's hot, liquid inside, but more chocolatey than it is sweet, served hot (in a little custard cup or souffle dish or whatever), with freshly whipped cream on top.
They made this on America's Test Kitchen a few weeks ago.
Somebody wrest Lyra Jane away from whatever world has custard in Boston Creme Pie.
That world has gone wrong.
Do Grasshoppers count as dessert?
What's the best dessert you've ever had?
Passion fruit mousse with whipped cream and a sprig of mint in chocolate shells at the Cascades restaurant in Nashville.
Wait, it doesn't?
My understanding has always been that Boston cream pie is sponge cake, custard filling, and chocolate icing. Have I been lead astray?
Edit: Yankee Magazine, who seem like they should know what they're talking about, say I am right.
Ugh. Why do I have to spend an hour trying to do something in JSP that I could do in a minute with PHP?
Oooh! I inveted a term to describe this phenomena, called "brainwhorf". I never had the opportunity to use it before!
(hopes erinaceous is still reading the thread)
Do Grasshoppers count as dessert?
What's the best dessert you've ever had?
A banana split with three types of very good ice cream, with topping that's carmelized on the bananas.
Also, every desert that has ever been served to me on fire has been amazing.
Best dessert? Soft serve chocolate ice-cream with chocolate jimmies in a waffle cone. I'm a simple girl.
Best dessert ever: a brown-butter waffle topped with toasted pecans, sliced bananas, bourbon ice cream, and chocolate-maple syrup from Magnolia Grill in Durham. Man. I think I just gained ten pounds remembering it.
Edit - actually, it was bourbon gelato. For the extra calorie charge.