Logan is no longer the murder suspect because he was out of the country when Lilly was killed. We've never been told Aaron or Lynne was with him, so both are still theoretically suspects.
Logan figured out the Lilly/Weevil thing from bits of info here and there--like the fact he saw that Weevil has Lilly's name tatooed in his arm; that Lilly had a defiant streak the size of Kansas; and Weevil broke into Lilly's room to recover something. He was never "told" as such. A bit of a leap as deductions go, but Logan is a smart guy.
The murderer & rapist:
Agree that the murderer is likely a *main* secondary character, probably not one of the three boys. The rapist? My bet is on that jerkwad friend of Logan who came to his house in last night's episode--conveniently named "Dick". The dude's been in the background, but in the background from episode 1. My suspect #2 is Duncan, with the provisio that he might also have been GHB'd and didn't know what the hell he was doing. That'll probably feel like a cheat though.
I better stop talking about VM, 'cause I could be here all afternoon. Have to go off to a meeting now. This show is seriously addictive though. I'm kind of afraid they won't come up with anything half as compelling next season, although the characters & the writing are strong enough that I think it'll remain v. watchable.
VM: WHAT? So, Logan deduced the truth about Weevil and Lilly and hasn't gone ballistic? I thought someone had told him. That's a huge red flag right there, assuming that Logan has been in as much of a blind spot about Lilly as Veronica has been about her mom. Geez, they spent so much of the season establishing how tortured he was for not saving her. And they've spent most of the season establishing that of all the characters, he's the one most capable of being a criminal mastermind. Wow, I don't accept that he would be so blase about that information at all without some mitigating factors. And, no, I'm not talking about porn.
I'm kind of afraid they won't come up with anything half as compelling next season, although the characters & the writing are strong enough that I think it'll remain v. watchable.
Yeah, but I thought the same things about The Wire and Deadwood, but those just keep getting better.
the idea is that Logan is moving on ...part of what has helped him to move on is accepting her imperfections.
Welcome to the world Burrell spawn. Perhaps he'll write massive science fiction trilogies.
Oh and
OK - this is cool; but apparently by nature this particular form of fusion is an energy consumer, not an energy generator. Still the medical implications of a toaster size fusion engine are good, and ya know really fast spaceships. All in all a good way to celebrate Issac day.
I'm betting my kittens on Aaron as the murderer, too, because it occurs to me that Duncan could've gotten the GHB by swiping it from his old man. If Aaron had it, presumably he'd find a use for it.
t RePlays Veronica Mars, seeking obscure moments that will support position
How much do I wish that I could watch my recorded Veronica Mars right now so I coiuld enjoy all this whitefont?
A bunch.
And not just because I am bored at work.
Thanks for the VM recaps!
Do you think that the
creep was really telling the truth?
For all that I hated
Logan at first, I really like
him now, and don't want him to have
provided the GHB.
Of course, I feel all manipulated to get to this point, but still.