My parents went to great lengths to make sure our names matched no known unpleasant words, our initials didn't spell out anything, and they were easy to spell. That didn't short-circuit all the creativity of grade school savages, but I appreciate the effort.
I'm sick and tired, though, of being asked if I spell my name with a K or end it with a Y. "Is that one N?" "It's Connie! How hard is it to spell Connie!" "You might have an H in it somewhere."
My only rule for future childrens' names (of which I will most likely never use) is that they need to be good hollerin names. Good hollerin names in my family include:
Another reason I
t heart
msbelle. Adorable!
Hey Khany -- were you named after the Star Trek villain, by any chance?
Hey Khany
Who are you talking to? Do you mean Qonnaee?
t baps amych
Nah, the Egyptian god Khoni. (who I just made up)
t baps stehfi, too
I default to LEE-roy. The only Luh-ROY I knew spelled it LeRoi and actually pronounced it more like Luh-wah.
One thing I loved about being in TX was mothers' ability to say their childrens' names as multiple syllables no matter what. A friend had children Zach, Will, and Matt all of which were 2-3 syllables.
The only Luh-ROY I knew spelled it LeRoi and actually pronounced it more like Luh-wah.
As in "the King"?
I suppose it's a roundabout way of getting to Elvis.
One thing I loved about being in TX was mothers' ability to say their childrens' names as multiple syllables no matter what. A friend had children Zach, Will, and Matt all of which were 2-3 syllables.
My mother's version of this was to use my first, middle and last names when she called me. Although I've had friends who used to sing-song my name out to two or three syllables to annoy the crap out of me.
My great uncle's first name was King. I've always thought that was way cool, if a little pretentious.