Yay for Isaac!!!!
My middle name is my mother's maiden name, which makes that as a security question kind of stupid. Not as stupid as people whose mother's maiden name continues to be her last name, but still. Everyone in my mom's side of the family has a family name as a middle name.
My last name is the same as my mother's. I feel like a jackass every time I answer the stupid security question!
My poor mother got a family middle name, but hers was bad-- McClellan. So she gave me one of what i think are the two most popular middle names-- Marie, because she hated her middle name. I then hated mine because it was too boring. I use my grandfather's middle name (which is his mother's middle name) as my middle name, Brooks.
Dude, Rob Morrow is on Ellen talking about his daughter Tu. Tu Morrow. For reals.
Ok, none of the rest bother me, but that's just wrong.
I'm really having trouble dredging up any surprise that Detroit is the number 2 most depressed city in the US.
"Tu Morrow"? Why would you do that to a child?
Daddy didn't have a middle name. I've begun to wonder if the name he always used was his original middle name, because when I found his family while doing genealogy, the baby that would have been him is named Jesse, not Floyd. It's simpler to imagine that his folks changed their mind about what to call him than some bizarre tale of extra babies and my father being a year younger than he really was or something.
So he was called Floyd Jr, with no middle name, but when he joined the Army in WWII, they said he had to have a middle name. Since he was a Jr., they asked him what his father's middle name was and said, "OK, Private, you now have a middle name," and put that on all his paperwork.
Unfortunately, my mother never knew anything different about his name, and all the folks who would know died before I discovered the conundrum.
Tu Morrow. For reals
The real question is, is this short for something? Because, irritating cuteness is okay when she's 2. When she's a prosecutor, or the second coming of Elliot Ness, I think she'll want to be called Therese, or something.
Dude, Rob Morrow is on Ellen talking about his daughter Tu. Tu Morrow. For reals.
When she gets older, she should start slapping him and not stop.
have been named "Vic", of course.
I have friends who are going to name their 2nd child (due in 6 weeks) Lolly Cinnamon - surname Darling.
I am picturing a Shirley Temple character, here.
If they are fooled and it ends up being a boy, he will be named Elvis Henry "Superman" - surname Darling. I love them, but they take wacky to the extreme.
Hee. Too much, juliana. May their kids share their sense of whimsy.
Personally I would not name a living person after a person who
died a grisly death on camera.
This is why I will never have relatives named
John F. Kennedy, Wallendah, or Darwin Awards.