Were you able to see the last new Lost episode? If not I can pop it in the mail to you. This week seems to be a recapping episode.
I did get to see the episode, and felt I was missing something since I couldn't recap the promo. Maybe I'll be able to get the one from this week, after the recap episode. It should be good.
I am fortunate to have good insurance and an employer who will work with my treatments. I know that I am lucky in this regard.
Having stuff from the library delivered to my chosen branch is my all-time favorite thing of the library. Whenever I think of something specific I want, I can put it on hold on line, and then they email me when I can come get it. It's FABULOUS -- I don't have to run all over town looking for specific books I want.
I am the same way, Jesse. I am a Public Library Fangurl to the nth degree. DVDs for 4 days (with one guaranteed renewal, so really for 8 days) -- free! Plus the library has VHS tapes of old movies and/or foreign movies that Blockbuster no longer has on the shelves.
CDs, comics, and, oh yeah -- BOOKS!!! Books on any subject you can think of, and you get to take them home with you!!! All for what amounts to a promise of "Yeah, I'll bring them back, I mean it!"
The public library system is one of the things that maintains my faith in humankind. I mean that.
Plus they have computers with access to the Internets that anyone can use, along with those amazing creatures known as librarians, who KNOW EVERYTHING. They really do.
I'm now equidistant between two libraries. I need to switch -- the old one was lame -- everything I borrowed was ordered in -- I never browsed and found anything.
The central library here is gorgeous and marvellous. The library near Allyson is teeny and great (1/2 of the movie rentals say "For Your Consideration). West LA got the shaft.
Wasn't it just today in Bitches, someone was asking if there was a word that meant an xpost, but in real life?
Plate of shrimp.
Heh. Wasn't it just today in Bitches, someone was asking if there was a word that meant an xpost, but in real life? I think that might qualify.
That's funny!
It took me some doing, post-move, but I have found the most convenient library branch. There isn't one that close to where I live or work or go to school, BUT! There is one right by the subway where I can change lines, so I just hop off, run to the library, and hop back on. It's fabu.
I'm always on the search for that perfect thirst quencher (and I now need it to be relatively sugar-free).
Jeff, do frozen grapes work for you?
Oh, I don't think I've mentioned this here yet, but I'm applying to library school for the fall, and I've also just applied for a part-time library director position in a nearby town. So, yay libraries!
Gah. I have achieved filling. I'm trying to eat without chewing off my tongue, but I can barely even taste the food. Sadness.
Great Kate!
(I'm easily pleased by alliteration)
What library school(s) are you looking at?
Just Simmons at the moment, libkitty. They run a satellite program at Mount Holyoke, which would be great for me because I wouldn't have to move. If I don't get in there, I'll start looking around for other schools for the spring or next fall, but I'm fairly optimistic about my chances.