Trudy's whitefont mini-rant is me, only with less venom. Midi-whatzits ruined my life.
Mr. Felicitytapeshaving (who looks about early 80s) apparently is just a big ol' fan. His wife says that he 'called the producers' and they sent him the tapes. There are 30 of them. Plus one unmarked, differently packaged tape. If it is porn I do NOT want to know, k?
Ima need to find a different box for shipping.
Stay tuned and insent...
Baltimore is like a character in the Simonverse, though. It's like New York in a Woody Allen movie. Most shows don't relate to their setting that much.Simon without Baltimore is like Sandburg without Chicago...not gonna happen.
And yes, I could see a Fell's Point smoochfest as long as Meg Ryan's not in it.(She's not Balmer. Which I'm sure keeps her up nights.)
You know, I was reading this lj entry recently where someone was saying that people who ignored the events of the end of the fifth Harry Potter book when writing fanfiction were wrong to do so. Hadn't thought about the analogy until now, but I pretty much do with midi-chlorians what a lot of people do there -- I know it's canon, but I feel perfectly fine about pretending it didn't happen. Mind you, I don't write SW or HP fanfiction, but same principle.
I pretty much do with midi-chlorians what a lot of people do there -- I know it's canon, but I feel perfectly fine about pretending it didn't happen.
An option I had not considered.
Mmmm....I just ate homemade pineapple upside down cake. I've never made it before, but it turned out pretty yummy.
The Star Wars whitefont is cracking me up. The tv here was showing basketball. Go Heat!
I have butter pecan ingredients in the ice cream maker. The scrapings from the bowl and beaters was yummy. I have high hopes for the ice cream.
Worked so hard this weekend. Lotsa weeding. Moved a big palm tree. Tons of laundry. My body aches.
An option I had not considered.
Well, if I'm going to watch the most recent three, it's not really possible, but for New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, Jedi? Never happened.
Baltimore seems to have a nice location thing going.
Baltimore has a small group of very proactive people when it comes to soliciting filmmaking. And the city gov't is happy to help them along. It's not a HUGE industry, but it is a dedicated one. And this place has character. Characters, actually. You can go sleepy southern town to gritty urban hellhole to historic rowhouse to big city downtown to on-the-water in about 10 minutes drivetime. If the traffic isn't bad.
I'm kinda loving it today, though it made me hurt. Spent about 4 hours down at the Stadium Playground shovelling multch, putting in mats under the swings, hauling plastic lumber and emptying a semitrailer. My forearms are a mess. But the playground is so damned cool. I'd say they are a day or two of heavy cleanup plus time to put in a security fence around it (by contractors, not volunteers) away from opening. It reminds me of a cross between a maze, a castle and a pirate ship (all that decking!)
I honestly have never seen a playground/structure like this. At one point when I first got there I tried to exit through the front and got...lost. Couldn't find the front opening.
It's got a climbing wall, painted volcano, swings including for wee ones, a mini-theater set up (like a puppet show stage with 3 wee rows of benches,) more slides than you can shake a stick at, cool bouncy bridges....picnic tables...everything. Even a separate enclosed area for under 5s.
Once it is done, I'm borrowing some kids and taking them there.
Finished laundry and cleaned. And I really need a nap.
I'm down with the handwaviness.
And besides, I've decided the 'prequels' are unrelated fever dreams, spawned after George half recovered from some sort of brain tumor.
Hey! If HE can make up a whole universe, so can I.
eta: I am, of course, responding to the SW talk here.
The Star Wars white font is cracking me up too.
In OSWN, the Darth Vader Dark chocolate peanut M&Ms are much prettier than the Jedi Milk Chocolate plain M&Ms.
Also, Jack and Bobby had me crying all the way through.
Jack's problem, Bobby's problem, Missy's problem. Missy's ogrey dad.
Also, the promo
- - they aren't killing off JACK already? In a car accident????
That would just not be right.