They barely have the resources to portray anywhere they're not filming. Much less to film many places other than LA & NY (if they're in the US, I mean).
X-Files happily travelled all over the country, and was mocked for it always looking like a BC forest.
I don't know what it would take to change that. They barely write computers or medicine right -- I shudder to think of them writing Detroit on a weekly basis.
Luke isn't all that bright, is he?
He's really not. And, c'mon Leia. Give in already. Han is hott.
er bugs me for that reason, ita. They mess up the geography of Chicago all the time.
The Wire
do Baltimore well.
Aww. Gray's Anatomy is set here? Pity it's a hospital show.
The Lower Mainland as stand in for all locations only really bothers me if it's a stand in for Seattle (but any stand in for Seattle will bug me). However, it amuses the hell out of me when it stands in for, oh, Kansas.
Gus, eventually they'll get around to CSI: Indianapolis.
Yep, except the state motto for Indiana is (or should be) "We Fear Change" so the techs will be using out-of-date technology.
Even when they're
the location they're portraying, meta considerations often fuck with the geography (hell, I read people complaining that the Grey's Anatomy rain wasn't Seattle rain -- dude, it's just TV), but when you've not even gained the other bits of local flavour with any authenticity, it's like being smacked over the head.
Christ, they can't even get Smallville and Metropolis right.
sara - WOOHOO!!!
that's all I got.
I caught up on TV Friday and yesterday and thought I had some stuff to talk about but can't remember it now. JoA was good. PGL continues to crack me up in the biggest trainwreck way. Why no new WaT this week?
I shudder to think of them writing Detroit on a weekly basis.
wrod. However, you make me think of the Baltimore shows (H:LOTS, The Wire) and that early WB thing
Dawson's Creek.
They took place "out of town".
eta: Or, what Robin said.
Even when they're in the location they're portraying, meta considerations often fuck with the geography
See: Say Anything, and the Amazing 30 Seconds by Car from Wallingford to Bell Square. (AKA, what ever Eastside commuter would kill for.)