Anyway. The main point is that we accepted less "lifestyle" than we could afford using credit, until we could afford to own it outright.
Yes, but that's an ideological choice, not a financial one. Basically the formula is
if: (rent over period of saving + price of house) > (price of house + total interest + property taxes - amount mortgage tax break - appreciation)
then: take out loan to buy house
For most people in most markets, this is true. It's not true for everyone; buying at the top of a bubble is bad. And there's a lot of other vague factors, too. How stable your job prospects are, whether you are likely to move within a few years, if you are good at repairs and home improvements or not.
So, Empire Strikes Back is on TV right now. Man, that Han Solo, is there nothing he can't do?
Man, that Chewbaka, is there nothing he can't do?
It's not true for everyone; buying at the top of a bubble is bad
I'm sure this is true to an extent. I'd say Madison is at the top of it's bubble. Housing here has been appreciating at over 8% per year for the last 3 years or more. My rent only went up $80 over 4 years, approximately 12% total. What made the difference to me was mortgage rates. I got a WI VA loan at 5.35%. Very hard to beat. Plus, by the time I'm ready to sell, I'll have beaucoup equity because I put nearly $20k down when I bought.
tavella: loving the tagline.
As for the rest ... Yes. Do the arithmetic. If the play looks good, go for it, but first do the arithmetic.
Man, that Chewbaka, is there nothing he can't do?
You've never hear his 'Rrrgh, Rrrrgh'?
Arm rippingly wonderful.
Oh, The 'Rrrgh, Rrrrgh' Trilogy.
Wagner. Not my thing.
t makes out with resurrected GUS
t gets explicit with Trudy, even graphic, possibly even unrated
Gus! You're looking all familiar and stuff.
joins make out session
I'm on break. I weeded one big flower bed that has been sadly neglected. Doing some laundry for the A/C pleasure, then back outside to do the other bed. I'd prefer to be lounging at the beach.
so... Gus... I here ya got a house with a lotta beds...
now that we've got LH too we might should push a few together...